Enhancing a stored proc's SQL statement

  • Hi,

    I have a stored proc which tries to obtain the last transaction history record for each customer from a sales history table containing 30,000,000 records.

    Currently, this process takes about 1.25 hours, and pushes the tempdb out to 2-2.5 gig to create. I'm trying to see if there is any way to enhance what is, whether through indexes or sql coding or something else.

    My sql looks thus:

    SELECT * INTO last_record_table

    FROM sales_transaction st1


    (SELECT *

    FROM sales_transaction st2

    WHERE st1.client_id = st2.client_id AND

    st1.category_id = st2.category_id AND

    st1.trans_type = st2.trans_type AND

    st2.trans_date > st1.trans_date)

    The table looks thus:

    computer_id int

    transaction_id int

    client_id smallint

    trans_date date

    category_id smallint

    trans_type char(1)

    The current indexes on the table are:

    clustered, unique - (computer_id, transaction_id, client_id, trans_date, category_id)


    Reports run off the table created (last_record_table), so introducing another lookup table (like an index) would not be feasible.

    Any ideas or thoughts would be appreciated.

  • Going for the SQL coding here ...

    Don't know about the difference of INSERT INTO and SELECT * INTO, but I'm sticking with your notation.

    SELECT * INTO last_record_table

    FROM sales_transaction st1


    (SELECT client_id, max(trans_date) as trans_date FROM sales_transaction group by client_id) st2


    st1.client_id = st2.client_id AND st1.trans_date = st2.trans_date

    Causes a problem with duplicate records (trans_date equal for distinct records for one client), but then again, your original query would have the same problems.

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