Enhancing the readability of your code: Table aliasing in sql

  • I read this thread in total amazement. It has become quite obvious that there are not only a variety of styles of code development but developers have become quite sensitive towards their coding style.

    To add my 2 cents worth, someone who has been writing SQL code for a very long time I find that

    formatting code is probably the most significant for code readability than anything else. As someone pointed out in an earlier post, formatted code is first.

    Leading commas has nothing to do for readability but for ease of development. To me, I will typically use trailing commas but if the code has leading commas then I will use them. This, I see, is more of a preference than anything else.

    CAPS for SQL reserved words... bahhh humbug! I have found that I can write SQL code much faster if I everything is in lower case.

    so folks... SO FLAME ON!!!!


    Kurt W. Zimmerman
    SR DBA
    Lefrak Organization
    New York, NY


  • This thread reminds me of a first week at a new job I had.

    I had to write a bit of C for something (I've been a DB guy since I left uni) and one of the senior programmers said:

    "I hope your not one of those ******* who doesn't put the opening curly bracket on a new line"

    Luckily for both our sakes I wasn't 😉

  • I disagree with most of this article suggests:

    1) Entire tablenames as alias make the code harder to read and understand. There's nothing wrong with aliasing an orders table as o, in fact it makes the code more readable. Only in the most incredibly complex join scenarios is is necessary to use more than three characters as an alias.

    2) No aliases at all is equally ill advised. Anyone who has used the SQL 2008 Management Studio extensively knows that aliasing a table in even the most simple query lets you take full advantage of intellisense (you get a finite list of the columns in the table after you type the period, rather than a list of all commands that start with that letter interspersed with the column names), whereas if you do not alias your table intellisense does not help you as often and you're more likely to make mistakes. Aliasing all tables with a one or two-letter alias also allows you to avoid future problems when you attempt to add a column to one of your tables later on, and it causes ambigous column name errors.

    In fact since SQL 2008 came out I've been aliasing all my table names even in the case of no joins, because I ge the beneift of inaccurate intellisense.

  • Gregg Murray (5/7/2009)

    I disagree with most of this article suggests:

    1) Entire tablenames as alias make the code harder to read and understand. There's nothing wrong with aliasing an orders table as o, in fact it makes the code more readable. Only in the most incredibly complex join scenarios is is necessary to use more than three characters as an alias.

    2) No aliases at all is equally ill advised. Anyone who has used the SQL 2008 Management Studio extensively knows that aliasing a table in even the most simple query lets you take full advantage of intellisense (you get a finite list of the columns in the table after you type the period, rather than a list of all commands that start with that letter interspersed with the column names), whereas if you do not alias your table intellisense does not help you as often and you're more likely to make mistakes. Aliasing all tables with a one or two-letter alias also allows you to avoid future problems when you attempt to add a column to one of your tables later on, and it causes ambigous column name errors.

    In fact since SQL 2008 came out I've been aliasing all my table names even in the case of no joins, because I ge the beneift of inaccurate intellisense.

    I would just like to point out that 2008 is where intellisense is being used. Maybe I've been doing this way too long but my opinion is that as nifty as intellisense is, why did Microsoft take so long to put it into SQL Server Management Studio? To me it is a gadget I can live without.

    Many years ago I learned a very important lesson. Making code readable is probably the most important. If you are dealing with over 100k lines of code a developer digging into a problem will solve that problem when the code is readable. I have taken the effort to do this in all code development. A real, true production environment a developer can waste precious time having to decipher ugly code before making a fix.

    I made every effort to make all newly developed code easy to understand, not because it looks pretty but if I have to go back to it 1 or 2 years later I can easily recognize where a problem area is and fix it with minimal about of time.

    Case in point. Many years ago I was asked to look into a problem a senior developer was having with a communications program he wrote. It was truly a mess and very difficult to read. Fortunately it wasn't very many lines of code. I took about 1 hour reformatting the code before digging into what the problem was. Within 5 minutes the problem was fixed and I fixed 3 additional problems the developer didn't even know existed. Big Fat Lesson Learned here.

    For years coders have developed their own "style" of coding. Each takes pride in that style and feels very comfortable supporting the code. Ask yourself 2 simple questions, will you or someone else be supporting the code 2-4 yrs down the road? If so do you really think you will be able to resolve issues in it? Now try to support legacy code someone else wrote 5 years ago. Development standards go a long way for maintainability.

    If you follow simple and basic techniques so either yourself or the next person down the road can support code then you've acquired the right skill set.


    Kurt W. Zimmerman
    SR DBA
    Lefrak Organization
    New York, NY


  • You must be looking at my code.

    The joins on the end of a line really goof me up.

    Also when you are shooting a Prod problem you can comment out the joins with a leading -- which makes debugging easier.

  • Kurt,

    I've tended to agree. I never missed Intellisense in T-SQL, and never wanted it, but I have used it and liked it in VS. I think part of that is not being as familiar with the languages as I am in T-SQL.

    that being said, I've seen some people use SQL Prompt from Red Gate and really have their coding fly since they know how to take advantage of the features.

  • karlsandfort (5/7/2009)

    Yes, but V for Vendor and VA for VendorAddress would make it more meaningful and understandable (if you know the schema), wouldn't it?


    I agree, but.....

    I always found it easier to visualize the execution plan by referring to the driving table as "a". Plus, I wouldn't have to think about things like "well, I've got two tables that start with 'cl', so I'll call one 'cla' and other one 'cli' and...", well, pretty soon the syntax becomes cluttered again.

    So for me it's always been abc. Simple.

    What else I find interesting that, in the Oracle world, I got used to underscores and either all upper-case for keywords and all lower-case for indentifiers. I call it "Oracle style".

    But now I work for a company that uses SQL Server and it's all mixed case.

    So I no longer use "abc" and I code in SQL Server style. I tend to go with the flow.


    You got a point there Karl about the driving table being aliased as "A", never thought of that. However, I still prefer aliases to be consistent across multiple statements, i.e. in my next query the driving table (which you would call "A") is different to the one in the previous query.

    A little knowledge is a dangerous thing (Alexander Pope)
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  • Samuel Vella (5/7/2009)

    tlehner (5/7/2009)

    What's up w/ the leading comma haters? I suppose you put your ands and ors at the end of a line, too? lol...

    Leading commas looks grammatically wrong

    compare (Addresses used to be written with comma's to seperate each address element - at least thats how I was taught)

    Queen of England,

    Buckingham Palace,




    Queen of England

    ,Buckingham Palace



    Samuel, no, I don't put ANDs and ORs at the end of the line. They go where they are most easily visible and comprehensible for the reader who comes after me, i.e. at the beginning of a new line of code AND properly indented.

    Re Grammatically looking wrong, no, it is not. There are no rules in any natural language I know of that impose a rule as to whether a comma must be at the end of a line or at the beginning. If we are talking grammar, then only the rules as to where a comma must be placed inline to make syntactical or sementical sense are defined. It's only some older computer languages that imposed rules that forced one to put certain statements at certain offsets from the begiinning of a new line. Darn, I hated those.

    A little knowledge is a dangerous thing (Alexander Pope)
    In order for us to help you as efficiently as possible, please read this before posting (courtesy of Jeff Moden)[/url]

  • Hi,

    I once worked with a database where the table design (primary key in particular) had been made with alias's in mind. I really liked it and found it very useful to work with, and made deciding which alias to write very easy.










    Hope you get the drift.....

  • David Burrows (5/7/2009)

    And, heh... don't get me started on the practice of using leading commas in code.

    Oh! Come on Jeff don't be coy now :w00t:

    For the record, when I code SQL I,

    Use trailing commas

    Aliases when more than one table/subqeury

    Aliases always in subqueries

    Try to make alias meaningful (ie o for Order, ol or OrderLine etc)

    Uppercase SQL keywords

    Indent JOIN beneath FROM

    Indent ON/AND beneath JOIN (each comparison on separate line)

    Indent subqueries and subquery SQL

    I agree with you on most of this...

    However, I don't like all UPPERCASE or lowercase SQL keywords. I prefer mixed case, especially for keywords that are, in fact, multiple words: CharIndex, RaisError (I hate how that is mis-spelled), DatePart, etc. A nested set of functions quickly becomes unreadable when in all uppercase, and is almost as bad in all lowercase.

    I use uppercase to draw attention, ie. select DISTINCT, FOR XML, LEFT OUTER JOIN, etc.

    I also like to spell things out when given a chance, ie. DateAdd(day, 1, GetDate()) vs. DateAdd(dd, 1, GetDate()).

    To add to your list:

    Indent or/and beneath where.

    I try to line up key phrases of select statements and variables in declare statements:


    @Variable1 tinyint,

    @Variable2 varchar(50)


    @Variable1 = 250,

    @Variable2 = 'Hello World, what have we here?'




    from MyTable

    where ColumnA = @Variable1

    and ColumnB = @Variable2

    To each their own... as long as it's consistent.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
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  • Readability cannot ever be the concern because each has a different level of comprehension. If uppercase or lowercase throws one off, then the level of comprehension is probably not the main concern.

    Table aliases are meant for two things: to uniquely identify columns and to be able to quickly substitute a different table name in the from clause when developing and testing. If either of these needs is not required in a given situation, then all the aliasing, commas, upper/lower case issues are just syntatic sugar -- don't waste time.

    In fact there is one line out thought that we should always use fully qualified object names in production code so the substitution time can be avoided, especially when using recompile directive.

  • I've solved the comma argument for you all. I've taken them out all together. 😀

    The best part is that you only need a keyboard with three keys.














  • Well, I'm not laughing and I find one letter aliases just fine; you are entirely unconvincing. I personally like to line up everything which requires single character aliases.

    I found your leading commas, single field on each row, and indentation most annoying and difficult to read. I'm sure in a team setting we could come to some accommodation. Frankly discussions of style are rather stupid except in a team or company settings and articles on coding standards a big waste of time unless it is just to emphasize that you should have one whatever your group thinks it should be.

    And please, get rid of the lower case on everything and the underscore "_id", ugh!

  • 42

    --Jeff Moden

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    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • I too agree that using meaningful aliases increase the readabilityof SQL queries.

    In fact,i follow the same practices as David Burrows except that i dont indent ON/AND beneath JOIN .

    Happy querying........

    Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason so few engage in it.


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