Epoch to readable format

  • Hi all. I need to convert epoch to readable format.I want it in a readable/sql server datetime format.

    In Oracle this was possibly as there was a helpful built-in function.

    select to_char(timestamp '1970-01-01 00:00:00' + numtodsinterval(IntegerDate, 'SECOND'),'MM/DD/yyyy HH24:MI:SS') End_Date from dual;

    numtodsinterval() was really helpful in conversion. IntegerDate being the epoch end date.

    Is there any alternative function to numtodsinterval in sql server?

    Or please let me know if there is any other way to solve this.

    Thanks in advance.


  • I think you are looking for something like?? If I understood your question correctly.

    select DATEADD(ss, yourEpochDateIntegerHere, '1970/01/01') from YourTableWithEpochInteger


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  • Hi Sean,

    This is the result i was looking for but the actual required result is 5 hours behind GMT and daylight saving times are to be considered.

    Would that be possible by modifying this somehow?

    Thanks in advance,


  • can you add the # hours difference when calculating the server's getdate to the utc date?

    for example, this returns 5 form my EST server...it might vary depending on daylight savings:


    --'returns 5

    select datediff(hh,GETDATE(),GETUTCDATE())


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  • something like this should get you pretty close.

    select DATEADD(ss, 211114134, '1970/01/01'), DATEADD(hh, datediff(hh, GETUTCDATE(), GETDATE()), DATEADD(ss, 211114134, '1970/01/01'))

    Lowell - you had the calculation backwards. You would want -5 for EST. I am CST which is currently -6 GMT. This will adjust correctly for daylight saving adjustments.


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  • Sorry for the late reply guys. was busy with something else.

    Anyway thanks for helping me out.

    But this is the problem.

    It should include day light saving timings. Here is an example

    1162101599 should be converted as Sunday, October 29, 2006 01:59:59

    But one second later, when daylight savings swing back:

    1162101600 should be Sunday, October 29, 2006 01:00:00 and not

    October 29, 2006 02:00:00.000

  • I have a varchar field which was used to import the epoch value from a csv.

    I need to update a datetime column to the proper date. BUT it wont let me put the epoch field in the Update statement

    This is what I try and its result

    UPDATE [SU] set CreatedTimeDT = DATEADD(ss, convert(varchar, CreatedTime) ,'19700101') WHERE ltrim(CREATEDTIME)=CAST(CreatedTime AS VARCHAR)

    Msg 8116, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Argument data type varchar is invalid for argument 2 of dateadd function.

    I've written an SP that creates a string and executes, but there are Millions of rows in each table and it kills the server.

    Any suggestions please.

    Darryl Wilson

  • Darryl Wilson wrote:

    I have a varchar field which was used to import the epoch value from a csv.

    I need to update a datetime column to the proper date. BUT it wont let me put the epoch field in the Update statement

    This is what I try and its result

    UPDATE [SU] set CreatedTimeDT = DATEADD(ss, convert(varchar, CreatedTime) ,'19700101') WHERE ltrim(CREATEDTIME)=CAST(CreatedTime AS VARCHAR)

    Msg 8116, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Argument data type varchar is invalid for argument 2 of dateadd function.

    I've written an SP that creates a string and executes, but there are Millions of rows in each table and it kills the server.

    Any suggestions please.

    For starters this should be a new question, not piggybacked onto a thread that is 9 years old. Secondly, the error message is quite clear, your second argument to DATEADD is a varchar because you explicity convert to that data type. But you also have a problem because you don't specify the length of your varchar. This is a bad approach as the length will use the default length. Did you know that the default changes depending on usage? In a convert it will be 30, for variables or parameters it will default to 1. Save yourself the anguish and be explicit. But your code has other bad smells as well. Things like LTRIM on a what appears to be a date or datetime. Comparing strings for equality instead of dates.

    My suggestion would be to create a new question. In that question include your code AND DDL for the tables, sample data, and desired output.


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