ERD Tools

  • I'm working with Visio Enterprise Architect, and I'm getting kind of frustrated at the Entity Diagramming tool. I just don't feel like it's up to speed with the Oracle tools that I use, and the documents that are produced aren't the neato crow foot documents that make my developers happy. I was hoping that maybe some of you would have some tools that you have found that are:

    a) cheap

    b) good

    c) cheap

    d) Stick to the standard ERD diagrams.

    I'd love to go out and buy Erwin, but it's out of my price range being that I work for a small government office. Maybe I'm looking for something that doesn't exist?

    Don't be afraid to let me know about one's you don't like..


  • I don't especially like ERwin, though it's the long-standing standard where I work so I'm forced to use it. But in Visio you can turn on crow's feet by going to Database -> Options -> Document. Click the Relationship tab and check "Crow's feet".

  • I guess I should learn how to use my tool before I slam it.  

    Thank you very much. You just saved me a bit of grief and time spent jumping through bureaucratic hoops to find a new product.

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