Error: 17803

  •  My server runs Windows 2000 Advanced Server sp4 and SQL Server 2000 sp3. The server has 8GB RAM.

    Recently, SQL Server Errorlog keeps showing the following errors:

    WARNING:  Failed to reserve contiguous memory of Size= 35979264.

    Query Memory Manager:  Grants=2 Waiting=0 Maximum=98092 Available=24371

    Global Memory Objects:  Resource=2160 Locks=8904

      SQLCache=94 Replication=2

      LockBytes=2 ServerGlobal=48


    Dynamic Memory Manager:  Stolen=12857 OS Reserved=10448

      OS Committed=10415

      OS In Use=10390

      Query Plan=972 Optimizer=0


      Utilities=724 Connection=9213

    Procedure Cache:  TotalProcs=267 TotalPages=669 InUsePages=272

    Buffer Counts:  Commited=208672 Target=208672 Hashed=177806

      InternalReservation=668 ExternalReservation=56673 Min Free=1024

    Buffer Distribution:  Stolen=29237 Free=960 Procedures=669

      Inram=0 Dirty=1268 Kept=0

      I/O=101, Latched=359, Other=176078

    Insufficient memory available..

    Error: 17803, Severity: 20, State: 12

    I have seen KB article 891719 about this error and that SP 4 will fix this problem but I'm not sure if it applies to my error because in the KB it states that "...the most significant information is that Free value is 0 and Commited value is typically more than 10GB". In my case Free=960 and Commited=208672."

    I also noticed that this problems arises when user runs a SQLDMO application. 

    Does anybody have the same issue ? Will SQL Server SP4 really fix this problem ?


  • why not installing sp 4 and trying it

    My Blog:

  • Before installing SP4, try to check your memory allocation in SQL Server. Fix the max to 2Gb.

    In the following link, you'd find some information !;en-us;274750&Product=sql2k#3

  • Don't install SP4 as you must have AWE configured to be addressing 8GB of RAM.  Read KB899761 for a description of the problem.

    Warning: Microsoft has found an issue with the final build of SP4 that impacts customers who run SQL Server with Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) support enabled. This issue only impacts computers with more than two gigabytes (2 GB) of memory where AWE has been explicitly enabled. If you have this configuration, you should not install SP4. For more information, see article 899761 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base. Microsoft is currently working on the problem and will issue an update soon.

  • We don't use AWE. So that's not a problem for me. My concern is that I have seen users who have installed SP4 and are experiencing query performance issues. Is that still happening ? I just don't want to install it on production if this is true. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks.

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