Error 17805 Starting Application Server

  • I have a third-party Java program that has not had problems before, but the app crashes everytime.  I go to the SQL Server log and I see an error 17805 Severity 20 in the log.

    I retried starting the app server with a trace running.  It gets this error doing a cursorfetch from this recordset:


    declare @P1 int

    set @P1=180150015

    declare @P2 int

    set @P2=4

    declare @P3 int

    set @P3=1

    declare @P4 int

    set @P4=-1

    exec sp_cursoropen @P1 output, N'SELECT * FROM GNPMNT10 WHERE MTBNR = ''002'' AND MTPLT = ''01'' AND MTMNU = ''getTACCodeList'' ORDER BY MTBNR, MTPLT, MTMNU, MTSEL', @P2 output, @P3 output, @P4 output

    select @P1, @P2, @P3, @P4


    On another machine running SQL Server 2000 Standard on Win2K advanced, this does not happen at all.  I have no problems and the program works as normal.

    On this system (Win 2003 Standard with SQL Server 2000 Standard) it gets the 17805 error everytime I try to start the application.

    The query set above runs fine in Query Analyzer (it returns no records except for the "select @P1, @P2, @P3, @P4" statement, but it returns no records in the existing system, either, except for that last select statement), and checkdb turns up no problems.

    Can someone help me find a place to look?

  • Google it. They are some pretty interesting hits that may lead you in the right direction.


  • Everything I saw in Google stated that it was a problem with either .NET or with Access Violations.  Our app server is running Tomcat and no AV's have been reported

    Also, it was working fine a month ago and I don't know of any updates made to this server since then.  Where should I look?

  • One of the hits points to a hotfix supplied by MS. Not sure what would've caused this if it had been running fine and no other updates have been installed.


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