Error 18456 state 8

  • We have an access application that uses ODBC to connect to an sql server 2008 database via a VPN connection with the connection encrypted.

    Connection string looks like this :

    ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=xxx;DATABASE=xxx;Trusted_Connection=No;Network=DBMSSOCN;Encrypt=Yes;UID=rt;Password=Fm6210

    Works perfectly most of the time but intermittently suddenly asks the user for a password. When tracking the error in debug the connection string always has the correct password.

    Sqlserver logs a password mismatch error 18456 state 8.

    Once the user enters the password the application works fine for a while before asking for the password again.

    Any assistance would be appreciated.

  • A bit strange that it works then does not work.

    State 8 refers to a password mismatch, so I wonder if the there is something weird in the encryption if the connection is open for too long?? Not sure... I would try it without the encryption enabled and see if it continues to raises errors like this.

    BTW - Please tell me that you did post a REAL password on an open forum........

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