Error: 9001 During xml operations in stored proc

  • Does anyone have any experience with the transaction log becoming unavailable during xml processing?   We seem to be bumping into this situation when multiple users are testing at the same time.



    "Keep Your Stick On the Ice" ..Red Green

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  • Hi Jeff,

    What is the error the you are getting? I have never encountered such a scenario. Ofcourse using xml will reduce the performance when the hit rate is very high.

    Nivedita Sundar.N

  • The error was somewhat misleading...better put, it was a chain of errors all masking each other.  There are some issues with SQL Server's transaction log rolling back text and ntext transactions.  According to Microsoft this was fixed in SP 3 and above.   

    This was only a symptom of the problem we encountered.  We experienced a deadlock that triggered the whole situation.   Which reminds me..think we found a bug with the query optimizer.  Sounds like a new post??


    "Keep Your Stick On the Ice" ..Red Green

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