Error browsing dimension

  • Hi

    When I want to browse my dimension with the dimension browser the error occurred(translated):

    Query(4, 7) The Children-Function waits for an element expression for the 0-argument. A level expression has been used.

    With the Cube browser I get values out, so what is wrong with the dimension?

    Thanks for help.


  • From the message, it appears you have a problem with your query, not your dimension. The message indicates that you're attempting to call the Children function against a Level. (Invalid in MDX.) Since you're using the dimension browser, the query should be well formed.

    To help diagnose this problem, follow these steps.

    a) Start SQL Profiler and run against MSAS. Trap the Query End event (and the error event).

    b) Repeat your test and at the point of error, check the TextData. Post the contents back here for diagnosis.

  • The sql server profiler shows:

    WITH MEMBER [Measures].[-DimBrowseLevelKey 0-] AS '[Dim Konto].[Konto]"key0", TYPED)'

    SELECT { [Measures].[-DimBrowseLevelKey 0-] } ON 0,

    Head( [Dim Konto].[Konto].[Konto].Children, 1000) ON 1

    FROM [$Dim Konto]


    PropertyList xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis" (<> removed to display the list)



    SspropInitAppName>Microsoft Visual Studio</SspropInitAppName









    That query is made by VisualStudio, just from a simple table dim_account with the fields entry_no (key), account_no, name.

  • This query is being executed against the [Dim Konto] dimension (German for account). Ok, we're on our way.

    I'm not exactly sure, but it looks like you may have defined the "AttributeAllMemberName" as "Konto". You also have an attribute name as "Konto". In MDX, the full qualification for dimension is:


    In this case, it sees [Dim Konto].[Konto].[Konto].Children and thinks you want {Dimension}.{Hierarchy}.{Level}.Children (which is invalid), when what you're really after is {Dimension}.{Hierarchy}.{all member}.Children

    Change the "AttributeAllMemberName" (or leave it to the default). It's confusing anyways to have the same name, you probably should use a name like "Alles Konto" (sorry if the translation is wrong).

    Let me know if this works.

  • Yes, that was the problem!

    I'm not close to MDX yet, but I see this is essential for analysing.

    Thanks a lot.

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