ERROR cursor:The cursor does not include the table being modified or the table is not updatable through the cursor.

  • Hi

    I get the above error putting adding print statments in the code for the cursor I've written otherwise the cursor code executes fine but isn't updating the target table.

    I have the cursor below which look at the source table that has the same field sizes as the variables declared and checks target table for if the data is there if not it inserts - if it is and the company name is different it updates the company name or if the groupcompany (category) is X in the target it updates it to what is in the source table (I'm using sql 2008)

    Is there anything obvious you can see


    Declare @AccId varchar(10), @GrpCmp varchar(1),@CmpName varchar(50), @Addr1 varchar(30), @Addr2 varchar(30), @Addr3 varchar(30), @Addr4 varchar(30), @Pstcd char(8), @Tel varchar(20) , @Fax varchar(20), @ContName varchar(20), @ContName2 varchar(20)

    --source table

    DECLARE Cursor1 Cursor


    Select AccountId, GroupCompany, Companyname, Addr1, Addr2, Addr3, Addr4, Postcode, Telephone, Fax, ContactName, ContactName2

    from dbo.source_table

    OPEN Cursor1;


    INTO @AccId, @GrpCmp, @CmpName, @Addr1, @Addr2, @Addr3, @Addr4, @Pstcd, @Tel, @Fax, @ContName, @ContName2



    IF NOT exists(Select @AccId, @GrpCmp from dbo.Customer )

    IF NOT EXISTS(Select @AccId from dbo.Customer WHERE GroupCompany='X')


    INSERT INTO dbo.Customer (AccountID, CompanyName, Addr1, Addr2, Addr3, Addr4, Postcode, Telephone, Fax, ContactName, ContactName2)

    Values( @AccId, @CmpName, @Addr1, @Addr2, @Addr3, @Addr4, @Pstcd, @Tel, @Fax, @ContName, @ContName2 )


    Else IF Not exists(Select @GrpCmp from dbo.Customer where AccountID=@AccId and GroupCompany='X')


    Update dbo.Customer

    Set GroupCompany=@GrpCmp

    where CURRENT OF Cursor1



    IF Not exists (Select @CmpName from dbo.Customer where AccountID=@AccId and GroupCompany=@GrpCmp )


    Update dbo.Customer

    Set CompanyName=@CmpName

    where CURRENT OF Cursor1



    INTO @AccId, @GrpCmp, @CmpName, @Addr1, @Addr2, @Addr3, @Addr4, @Pstcd, @Tel, @Fax, @ContName, @ContName2


    CLOSE Cursor1

    DEALLOCATE Cursor1



  • Hello,

    your cursor is over a table named dbo.source_table, so your update must be over the same table;

    Update dbo.Customer

    Set CompanyName=@CmpName

    where CURRENT OF Cursor1

    This code doesn't work because Cursor1 doesn't point to any row in the Customer table.

    As I can see your queries are wrongly coded. For instance, coding

    IF NOT exists(Select @AccId, @GrpCmp from dbo.Customer )

    IF NOT EXISTS(Select @AccId from dbo.Customer WHERE GroupCompany='X')

    is the same than coding

    IF NOT exists(Select 'my', 'god' from dbo.Customer )

    IF NOT EXISTS(Select 'oops' from dbo.Customer WHERE GroupCompany='X')

    In the first question you ask for a empty table, the second question asks for any customer in group 'X'. I suppose you would code

    IF NOT exists(Select AccountId from dbo.Customer WHERE AccountId = @AccId AND GroupCompany = @GrpCmp)

    IF NOT EXISTS(Select AccountId from dbo.Customer WHERE AccountId = @AccId AND GroupCompany='X')

    Codi these EXISTS maybe is correct but surely is poor in performance; you will do better including these conditions in your cursor through a JOIN, the code will be more clear and will run faster.

    If your cursor runs over a query like that,

    Select SRC.AccountId, SRC.GroupCompany, SRC.Companyname, SRC.Addr1, SRC.Addr2, SRC.Addr3, SRC.Addr4, SRC.Postcode, SRC.Telephone, SRC.Fax, SRC.ContactName, SRC.ContactName2

    , CUS.AccountId, CUSX.AccountId

    from dbo.source_table SRC

    LEFT JOIN dbo.Customer CUS ON SRC.AccountId = CUS.AccountId AND SRC.GroupCompany = CUS.GroupCompany

    LEFT JOIN dbo.Customer CUSX ON SRC.AccountId = CUS.AccountId AND SRC.GroupCompany = 'X'

    your first and second EXISTS can be replaced by somethingt like

    IF @CUS_Accid IS NULL

    IF @CUSX_Accid IS NULL

    Hope that this helps,


  • yoho23_2000 (2/22/2011)

    Is there anything obvious you can see

    Yes, you're using a CURSOR when you should be using a set-based approach. I can't tell you the exact set-based approach to use, because you didn't provide sample data and expected results, but something like the following should get you close. (NOTE: Since you are using SQL 2008, you'll probably want to use the MERGE feature. I don't have 2008, so I don't know the syntax for the MERGE.)

    UPDATE dbo.Customer

    SET GroupCompany=@GrpCmp, CompanyName=@CmpName

    FROM dbo.Customer

    INNER JOIN dbo.Source_Table

    ON Customer.AccountID = Source_Table.AccountID

    AND Customer.GroupCompany IN ('X', Source_Table.GroupCompany)

    INSERT INTO dbo.Customer (AccountID, GroupCompany, CompanyName, Addr1, Addr2, Addr3, Addr4, Postcode, Telephone, Fax, ContactName, ContactName2)

    SELECT Source_Table.AccountID, Source_Table.GroupCompany, Source_Table.CompanyName, Source_Table.Addr1, Source_Table.Addr2, Source_Table.Addr3, Source_Table.Addr4, Source_Table.Postcode, Source_Table.Telephone, Source_Table.Fax, Source_Table.ContactName, Source_Table.ContactName2

    FROM dbo.Source_Table

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Customer

    ON Customer.AccountID = Source_Table.AccountID

    AND Customer.GroupCompany IN ('X', Source_Table.GroupCompany)

    WHERE Customer.AccountID IS NULL


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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