Error handling in stored procedure

  • I have a stored procedure that looks like this:

    CREATE PROCEDURE [insert_TestTable3_1]

     (@Crap_1  [varchar](5000))

    AS INSERT INTO [barry].[dbo].[TestTable3]

      ( [Crap])



     ( @Crap_1)

    IF @@ERROR <> 0

     return @@ERROR



    I deliberately filled up my 2MB fixed size database so now if I call this stored procedure from the Query Analyzer I get this message:

    Server: Msg 1105, Level 17, State 2, Procedure insert_TestTable3_1, Line 4

    Could not allocate space for object 'TestTable3' in database 'barry' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full.


    I want some way to handle that error inside the stored procedure.  It appears as though the stored procedure bails out if it can't complete the insert, but I want it to continue on and simply set the @@ERROR value so I can take appropriate action.


    How can I do this?

  • You can't.

    Some errors aren't trappable from within a proc - they must be handled at the calling (client) side.


  • When you look at the @@Error variable, it it is reset to 0 afterwards.

    So, to return it as a return from the stored procedure you would need to extract it into a variable.  I have amended your code sample as follows:


    CREATE PROCEDURE [insert_TestTable3_1]

     (@Crap_1  [varchar](5000))


    Declare @ErrorCode As Int

    INSERT INTO [barry].[dbo].[TestTable3]

      ( [Crap])



     ( @Crap_1)

    Select @ErrorCode = @@Error

    IF @ErrorCode <> 0

     return @ErrorCode


  • The thing is, if the error generated from the INSERT statement is a batchbreaking error, the proc exits immediately, and you will never come to the 'Select @ErrorCode = @@Error' line.

    Currently there is no way to trap all errors within a procedure itself.


  • Isn't it strange, Kenneth? Each time I see a posting from you I can add a link to Erland Sommarskog

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Isn't that nice?

    I provide you loads of opportunities to post something.


  • Yes, that's nice. Not much posting here anyway these days! Easy points

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • It's pretty calm over at sswug as well...

    The sun must be shining somewhere


  • Well,... not here

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Frank,

    Just out of curosity I went to your links for error handling.  All I can say is post these links often, it was a terrific read and realy, truly informative.

    Thanks for tipping me off, so that I can better handle errors and not have to post to the forum to solve a problem that I handled by reading your post.

    Again thanks

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • You cannot catch that error from inside the SP because its execution will never reach IF @@ERROR ...

    But you can catch that error from the calling stored procedure or connection.

    DECLARE @rc int

    EXEC @rc=insert_TestTable3_1 'soso'

    select @@ERROR  -- put it first

    SELECT @rc

    The result is:



    208 is the error code you need.


  • Thank you Frank for posting the Sommarskog links.  20 minutes of Google-ing yielded nothing as informative or on target.




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