error in query

  • I have this statement inside a stored procedure:

    exec('set '+@MaxTotalidade+'=(select convert(bigint,isnull(max(cod_sincronismo_fim),0)) from SGCTCentral.dbo.sincronismo where

    tp_processo =''I'' and cod_tp_classificacao =2 and cod_rep_fiscal =''''4.01''''')

    When I run the code I keep receiving this message:

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

    Incorrect syntax near '='.

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 2

    Incorrect syntax near '4.01'.

    Can someone help?


  • Looks like you have a misplaced quote at the end and you're missing a closing parenthesis.

  • Can you print command and try executing that in SSMS?

    something likle this...

    declare @cmd as varchar(max),@MaxTotalidade as ??

    set @cmd ='set '+@MaxTotalidade+'=(select convert(bigint,isnull(max(cod_sincronismo_fim),0)) from SGCTCentral.dbo.sincronismo where

    tp_processo =''I'' and cod_tp_classificacao =2 and cod_rep_fiscal =''''4.01'''''

    print @cmd

    Also you cannot set a variable using exec('') since the command will be executed in different session, you have to use sp_executesql with parameter(s) to get value outside

  • Yes.


    But still I have a problem.

    exec('set '+@MaxTotalidade+ ' =(select convert(bigint,isnull(max(cod_sincronismo_fim),0))

    from SGCTCentral.dbo.sincronismo where

    tp_processo =''I'' and cod_tp_classificacao =2 and cod_rep_fiscal =''4.01'')')

    Is says this message:

    Incorrect syntax near '='

    Can you help?

    Thank you

  • if I do like this:

    set @cmd = ('set '+@MaxTotalidade+ ' = (select isnull(max(cod_sincronismo_fim),0) as maximo

    from SGCTCentral.dbo.sincronismo where

    tp_processo =''I'' and cod_tp_classificacao =2 and cod_rep_fiscal =''4.01'')')

    print @cmd

    select @cmd

    The returned result is:


  • If I add the execute command to the query, when I execute the procedure I receive the following:

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

    Incorrect syntax near '='.


    exec('set '+@MaxTotalidade+ ' = (select isnull(max(cod_sincronismo_fim),0) as maximo

    from SGCTCentral.dbo.sincronismo where

    tp_processo =''I'' and cod_tp_classificacao =2 and cod_rep_fiscal =''4.01'')')

  • As I have mentioned this in my first comment,

    you cannot set a variable using exec('') since the command will be executed in different session, you have to use sp_executesql with parameter(s) to get value outside

  • Daxesh Patel (6/4/2012)

    As I have mentioned this in my first comment,

    you cannot set a variable using exec('') since the command will be executed in different session, you have to use sp_executesql with parameter(s) to get value outside

    Sorry, I didn't notice your previous comment.

    I will do that.


  • Can you give me an example?

  • check example 1 in "More Information" section

  • It doesn't make sense what you are doing. Why are you trying to use dynamic SQL when there is nothing dynamic there?

    Just do this:

    set @MaxTotalidade = select convert(bigint,isnull(max(cod_sincronismo_fim),0))

    from SGCTCentral.dbo.sincronismo

    where tp_processo ='I'

    and cod_tp_classificacao = 2

    and cod_rep_fiscal ='4.01'

    SELECT @MaxTotalidade

    CE - Microsoft

  • SQLKnowItAll (6/4/2012)

    It doesn't make sense what you are doing. Why are you trying to use dynamic SQL when there is nothing dynamic there?

    Just do this:

    set @MaxTotalidade = select convert(bigint,isnull(max(cod_sincronismo_fim),0))

    from SGCTCentral.dbo.sincronismo

    where tp_processo ='I'

    and cod_tp_classificacao = 2

    and cod_rep_fiscal ='4.01'

    SELECT @MaxTotalidade

    You're right Jared!

  • I made like this:

    SET @SQLString = 'select @maxVal = isnull(max(cod_sincronismo_fim),0)

    from '+@DB+'.dbo.sincronismo where

    tp_processo =''I'' and cod_tp_classificacao =2

    and cod_rep_fiscal ='+@codrf+''

    select @SQLString

    SET @ParmDefinition = '@maxVal varchar(100) OUTPUT'

    EXECUTE sp_executesql



    @maxVal=@MaxTotalidade OUTPUT

    SELECT @MaxTotalidade

    But I receive this error:

    Msg 8115, Level 16, State 8, Line 1

    Arithmetic overflow error converting varchar to data type numeric.

  • river1 (6/4/2012)

    I made like this:

    SET @SQLString = 'select @maxVal = isnull(max(cod_sincronismo_fim),0)

    from '+@DB+'.dbo.sincronismo where

    tp_processo =''I'' and cod_tp_classificacao =2

    and cod_rep_fiscal ='+@codrf+''

    select @SQLString

    SET @ParmDefinition = '@maxVal varchar(100) OUTPUT'

    EXECUTE sp_executesql



    @maxVal=@MaxTotalidade OUTPUT

    SELECT @MaxTotalidade

    But I receive this error:

    Msg 8115, Level 16, State 8, Line 1

    Arithmetic overflow error converting varchar to data type numeric.

    You really need to give us all of the code you are actually using and the DDL for the tables. Please reference the link in my signature. For example, in the above code you are not declaring any variables. I assume you are, but I don't know what data types they are or anything, so I cannot help you.

    CE - Microsoft

  • This is the entire code:

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spSGCT_VALIDA_SGCTLocais] (@DB as varchar(50))



    set nocount on

    DECLARE @MaxTotalidade as varchar(100),

    @MaxDiferenca as bigint,

    @Inicio as varchar(10),

    @fim as varchar(10),

    @CODRF as varchar(10),

    @SQLString NVARCHAR(500),

    @ParmDefinition NVARCHAR(500),

    @IntVariable INT

    DECLARE db_cursor CURSOR FOR

    select distinct(codrf) from FicheirosImportar

    OPEN db_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @codrf

    delete from FicheirosImportar where sessaoinicio <> sessaofim and sessaoinicio <> 'T'



    SET @SQLString = 'select @maxVal = isnull(max(cod_sincronismo_fim),0)

    from '+@DB+'.dbo.sincronismo where

    tp_processo =''I'' and cod_tp_classificacao =2

    and cod_rep_fiscal ='+@codrf+''

    SET @ParmDefinition = '@maxVal varchar(100) OUTPUT'

    EXECUTE sp_executesql



    @maxVal=@MaxTotalidade OUTPUT

    SELECT @MaxTotalidade

    -- exec('set '+@MaxTotalidade+ ' =(select convert(bigint,isnull(max(cod_sincronismo_fim),0))

    -- from SGCTCentral.dbo.sincronismo where

    -- tp_processo =''I'' and cod_tp_classificacao =2 and cod_rep_fiscal =''4.01'')')


    -- exec('set '+@MaxTotalidade+' =(select convert(bigint,isnull(max(cod_sincronismo_fim),0))

    -- from SGCTCentral.dbo.sincronismo where

    -- tp_processo =''I'' and cod_tp_classificacao =2 and cod_rep_fiscal =''4.01'')')

    ---- exec('set '+@MaxTotalidade+' = (select convert(bigint,isnull(max(cod_sincronismo_fim),0)) from '+@DB+'.dbo.sincronismo where

    ---- tp_processo =''I'' and cod_tp_classificacao =2 and cod_rep_fiscal ='''+@codrf+'''')


    -- exec('set '+@MaxDiferenca+' = (select isnull(max(cod_sincronismo_fim),0) from ' +@DB+'.dbo.sincronismo where

    -- tp_processo =''I'' and cod_tp_classificacao =1 and cod_rep_fiscal ='''+@codrf+'''')

    -- if (select count(sessaofim) from FicheirosImportar where

    -- sessaoinicio ='T' and sessaofim > @MaxTotalidade

    -- and sessaofim > @MaxDiferenca and codrf =''+@codrf+'') <> 0


    -- BEGIN


    -- set @MaxTotalidade = (select isnull(max(sessaofim),0) from FicheirosImportar where

    -- sessaoinicio ='T' and sessaofim > @MaxTotalidade

    -- and sessaofim > @MaxDiferenca and codrf =''+@codrf+'')



    -- update FicheirosImportar set valido =1 where codrf = ''+@codrf+''

    -- and sessaoinicio ='T' and sessaofim = @MaxTotalidade


    -- END




    -- if (@MaxTotalidade > @MaxDiferenca)

    -- BEGIN


    -- if (select count(sessaofim) from FicheirosImportar where

    -- sessaoinicio <> 'T' and sessaofim > @MaxTotalidade and codrf =''+@codrf+'') <> 0




    -- update FicheirosImportar set valido =1 where

    -- sessaoinicio <> 'T' and sessaofim > @MaxTotalidade and codrf =''+@codrf+''





    -- END

    -- ELSE



    -- if ('select count(sessaofim) from FicheirosImportar where

    -- sessaoinicio <> ''T'' and sessaofim > @MaxTotalidade and codrf ='''+@codrf+'''

    -- and (sessaofim > '+@MaxDiferenca+' or sessaofim not in

    -- (select cod_sincronismo_fim from '+@db+'.dbo.sincronismo

    -- where cod_rep_fiscal ='''+@codrf+''' and cod_tp_classificacao =1

    -- and cod_sincronismo_fim > '+@MaxTotalidade+'))')<> 0



    -- BEGIN



    -- exec('update FicheirosImportar set valido =1 where

    -- sessaoinicio <> ''T'' and sessaofim > '+@MaxTotalidade+' and codrf ='''+@codrf+'''

    -- and (sessaofim > '+@MaxDiferenca+' or sessaofim not in(

    -- select cod_sincronismo_fim from '+@db+'.dbo.sincronismo

    -- where cod_rep_fiscal ='''+@codrf+''' and cod_tp_classificacao =1

    -- and cod_sincronismo_fim > '+@MaxTotalidade+'))')





    -- END





    -- update FicheirosImportar set ordem =1 where valido =1 and

    -- sessaoinicio ='T' and codrf =''+@codrf+''




    -- update ficheirosimportar set ordem = a.row +1

    -- from

    -- (select ROW_NUMBER() OVER( ORDER BY sessaoinicio) AS Row,codrf RF,

    -- sessaoinicio SI,sessaofim SF

    -- FROM FicheirosImportar

    -- WHERE sessaoinicio <> 'T' and valido =1) a

    -- where ficheirosimportar.codrf = RF and ficheirosimportar.sessaoinicio = SI

    -- and ficheirosimportar.sessaofim =SF and RF = ''+@codrf+''




    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @codrf


    CLOSE db_cursor

    DEALLOCATE db_cursor


    When I execute it like :

    exec spSGCT_VALIDA_SGCTLocais 'SGCTCentral'

    I Get the following message:

    Msg 8115, Level 16, State 8, Line 1

    Arithmetic overflow error converting varchar to data type numeric.

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