Error in SQL Help concerning INSERT?

  • Hello,

    I've recently performed the following command successfully on SQL SERVER 8:

    truncate table T1


    insert T1

    (NischID, ProdName, CustID, NischName, MonthDel, SuppID)

    select * from T2

    where T1 and T2 have the same structure. In the help file I read the following on the INSERT-command:

    "column_list and VALUES list must be used when inserting explicit values into an identity column, and the SET IDENTITY_INSERT option must be ON for the table."

    In my command I didn't use any VALUES list but it still worked even though the NischID is a primary key, not null.

    My question is. Is there an error in the documentation or have I interpreted the documentation wrong?

  • Can you psot result of sp_columns T2?

  • You mean the data from T2? Sorry, that information is classified. But it doesn't really mather, does it?

    I did this instruction to restore a table. T1 had been deleted and T2 was a backup of that table.



  • Try to run it. It just returns table schema but no data.

  • I did run it and it works fine. I've restored my table and I'm happy.

    But I do want to know WHY did it work in the way I wrote it? According to the documentatition (check the documentation of the insert command) this should generate an error.


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