Error occuring during Restoring database

  • Hi All,

    I got an error while restoring a database  . The error is "Exclusive access is could not be obtained because the database in use".

    I took the backup using the same user using  ' BACKUP DATABASE test TO DISK = 'C:\test.bak' ' . When I tried to restore the databse from the backup file using  ' RESTORE DATABASE Test FROM DISK = 'C:\test.bak'  ' I got the error . The database is not connectd to any other . Only one connection to run the sql. But I was able to retotre using Enterprise manager





  • sp_who / sp_who2 might help to determine who blocks.

    If you haven en open EM connection to the db and an open connection to the db using QA, there are 2 connections, that is one to much


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  • One quick way to clear these connections is to attemp to detach the databse in EM. The first screen will have a clear button. Clear the connections and then cancel the detachment.

  • As Alzdba stated use sp_who2 to find out who is connected. Then if you want to kick them off use KILL along with thier SPID that was in sp_who2. Just make sure you only do NON  SYSTEM spids!

    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

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