Error : Query execution failed for data set ''dataset Name''

  • Hello , I get this error when I execute the report in the report manager... if I execute it in Visual studio there is no problem. When I execute the stored procedure there is no  problem but in the serve I only get this message:

    An error has occurred during report processing.

    Query execution failed for data set 'SP07010'.

    If I refresh the page the error says:

    Input string was not in a correct format.

    But the input parameters are in the report string, integer and datetime and in the stored procedure varchar, integer and datetime... in both places are in the same order but I don't understand why this message is displayed.

    Could anybody help me, please?

    Thanks in advance.




  • I assume you're using RS2000...

    I reckon the problem is the converstion of the datetime param between SQL Server and the report. I'd recommend setting your datetime params in your report as type STRING.

    Set it up so the user enters the date as a string in local format (eg dd/mm/yyyy, or mm/dd/yyyy etc..) and then you use the CONVERT SQL function in your Stored Proc to convert the string back to a DATETIME matching the database date format you have (probably yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.mmm).

    Only gotcha with this is if that the date from your report will be missing the time portion, and so will default to midnight... If your database date value includes the time portion then you'll need to add 23:59.59.997 to your report @End_Date param to ensure you get every record for a given day... comprende... ;0)

    Also if your user enters a date SQL can't convert (eg 30/02/2006) then the report will error, hopefully your users won't do this much...

    RS 2005 has a Datepicker for date which will relieve this problem.

    Kindest Regards,


  • Hi,

    I got a similar error on my report, but on refreshing the page, the error remains the same.

    I am executing an SP from the report which fetches some of its data from a remote server using OPENROWSET.

    Can somebody pls help me figure out what is going wrong?


  • Does the user have permissions to execute the Stored Procedure?

    Kindest Regards,


  • I had the same problem and what worked for me was, I put the following code in the properties section of the report, make sure you have all detail section, groups, etc with the same configuration

    in the Language property write


    so this will allow you to run the report regarding the settings of the ie explorer browser, i.e. american or british format

    I hope this helps!

  • Go back to the data tab click the elipse (...) and then go to the parameters tab and redo the parameters. For some reason reporting services seems to forget them. If that isn't the case, go to tools, connect to server and reestablish the connection

  • Once I have faced the same issue. But for me, it was the problem of default filters in the report. If we are creating the default filters for any entity which are using inside a subquery with an alias names then the report will throw the same error message.

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