Error running upgrade from SQL 2005 Std x32 to SQL 2008 Std x32

  • I'm running into a funky problem. My dev SQL 2005 server has both a Default instance and a named instance called "TEST". (Creative name huh? :-P)

    The server is a VM in vSphere, it runs fine. I copied it into our lab, changed the credentials used for the pertinant services to a local account, granted that account local Admin rights as well as 'sa' rights in SQL. To make sure all the services start propperly I rebooted several times and they always come up. All is good right?

    Now because the "TEST" instance will not be used, I disabled the services for that instance. I roboot to test a few more times and all is good.

    I start the upgrade and it goes for a long while (disk LUN's are iSCSI) and when it get's to the point where it tries to start the SQL services it fails with the following message....

    TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Setup


    The following error has occurred:

    The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

    For help, click:





    I know I'm missing something, any ideas? 😀

  • OK, I figured it out. I had to disjoin the domain first because it is now in the LAB. Kind of weird :hehe: considering I changed ALL the SQL services to use local server credentials.

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