Error types?

  • Can you find in the system tables or views any clasification of sql server errors?

    I mean you can clasify errors like constraints errors, security errors and so on.

    I am almost sure it doesn't exists but I still ask, who knows?


  • in sysmessages you cannot clasify errors.

    All you can find is an id and a description.

    I ask if there are others related tables to sysmessages or other posibilities for clasify errors in conversion errors, constraint errors and so on.

    But I believe there isn't any way for doing this only to take error by error and made a custom clasification.

    Thank you very much.

  • in sysmessages you cannot clasify errors.

    All you can find is an id and a description.

    I ask if there are others related tables to sysmessages or other posibilities for clasify errors in conversion errors, constraint errors and so on.

    But I believe there isn't any way for doing this only to take error by error and made a custom clasification.

    Thank you very much.

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