Error using DTS Copy SQL Objects

  • I set up a local SQL Server on my PC for development. I'm trying to use a DTS job to copy my production db to my local SQL Server. I set up a Local Package on my Local Server with two connections, one to the production DB using a SQL login that has DBO and the second to my local server with the SA account. I set up a Copy SQL Server Objects Task and told it to copy everything. All the options are checked for dependent objects, etc.

    It copies all the tables and starts on the views when I get this message:

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Invalid object name 'dbo.Report_MML4_State_Data'.

    Now dbo.Report_MML4_State_Data is a view that is used regularly in production (I just ran the report that is based on that view) and it works just fine. What would cause this error?


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