Errors from the server regarding disk utilization

  • :w00t: :hehe:

    Disk 2 E:'s: utilization is 100.00% and the Queue lengths are greater than 2. This indicates a possible performance problem on this disk.

    FileSystem E:: free space remaining 0.00% (100.00 Mb).

    I google this up, but couldn't find any resolution.

    The disk has plenty of free space, perf shows utilization about 20%

    Any ideas? I will really appreciate your help. Thank you

    :w00t: :hehe:

  • I'm confused, is there an error you got? Where did this come from? You need to explain things in more detail if you want help. Right now I'm not sure where you are getting measurements.

    If SQL Server sees less space than Windows, it's possible you have some quota set.

  • Thanks Steve. I am as well. We recently implemented Foglight to monitor our servers and several servers are returning these massages. It does mark them as critical.

    As you say, maybe there is a kind of limitation set by the windows team? To take that out of the picture, I talked to one of the admin. No, they don't have any quota for the disks.

    I wish I can expand any information, but that is what I getting from Foglight. Will open a case with Microsoft to see if they have a clue of what this is. If you have any other suggestion is very much welcome. Thank you

  • im not really sure where SQL comes into the equation in this problem?? Possibly best looking for a FogLight forum?

  • Thanks, I posted one there as well. I really don't think it has anything to do with SQL, my concern is that something is wrong with the server and might "burn" out Thanks anyway

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