Event Calendar Grid

  • I have a table of events - holidays and vacations, actually. Each event has a date and label. I want to output the data in a calendar grid so I can visualize upcoming vacations. For example,

    Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

    ----- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------


    ----- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------

    12/14 Ellen Tim

    ----- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------

    12/21 Ellen Christmas Christmas



    ----- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------

    12/28 Bob Bob Bob New Year's Bob


    ----- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------

    If multiple events occur on the same day, each event is output in the appropriate day column in separate rows. The events of a day can be ordered ascending on label. A row is output for a week even if there are no events in that week. Each week of rows is separated by a line. The table will have years of data; but I only want to output a specified time period, given by start and end date, or start date and number of weeks.

    I just can't seem to visualize the solution. The hard part is sometimes events in a week go on one row, sometimes multiple rows. How do I get started?

    Here's the data for the above example grid.

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#event','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #event

    CREATE TABLE #event (

    event_date datetime not null,

    label varchar(15) not null,

    PRIMARY KEY (event_date, label))

    INSERT #event (event_date, label)

    SELECT '20081127','Thanksgiving' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20081225','Christmas' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20081226','Christmas' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20090101','New Year''s' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20081215','Ellen' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20081219','Tim' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20081224','John' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20081224','Ellen' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20081224','Martha' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20081229','Bob' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20081230','Bob' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20081231','Bob' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20090102','John' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20090102','Bob' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20090123','Lynn'

    DECLARE @start_date datetime SET @start_date = '20081208'

    DECLARE @end_date datetime SET @end_date = '20090103'

  • Start from this:

    SELECT Date, dbo.ListOfEvents(date)

    FROM dbo.Calendar

    Calendar is a table with all available dates.

    I use a modification of table Tally for this (if you don't know what it is search for the article from Jeff Moden).

    I just added another column and populated it with CONVERT(datetime, N)

    dbo.ListOfEvents is a scalar function returning concatenated list of events from your table Event.

    Search this forum for "concatenation function" and chose one of the options posted here.

    My personal favorite would be:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ListOfEvents (@Date datetime)

    RETURN nvarchar(4000)


    DECLARE @List nvarchar (4000)

    SELECT @List = ISNULL(@List + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10), '') + EventName

    FROM dbo.Event

    WHERE Date = @Date

    ORDER BY EventName

    RETURN @List


    And don't forget about clustered index (Date, EventName) on table Event.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • I had a quick attempt by creating two additional tables, one holding a set of weeks, and another a set of numbers.

    create table #weeks

    ( startdate datetime not null


    insert into #weeks

    select '2008-12-08' union all

    select '2008-12-14' union all

    select '2008-12-21' union all

    select '2008-12-28'

    create table #nums

    ( number int not null


    insert into #nums

    select 0 union all

    select 1 union all

    select 2 union all

    select 3

    select case n.number

    when 1 then cast(month(startdate) as varchar(2)) + '/' + cast(day(startdate) as varchar(2))

    else ''

    end as ' ',

    case n.number

    when 0 then '--------------'

    else IsNull(( select e.label

    from #event e

    where e.event_date = w.startdate + 1

    and n.number = (select count(*) from #event e2 where e.event_date=e2.event_date and e2.label <= e.label) ),'')

    end as Mon,

    case n.number

    when 0 then '--------------'

    else IsNull(( select e.label

    from #event e

    where e.event_date = w.startdate + 2

    and n.number = (select count(*) from #event e2 where e.event_date=e2.event_date and e2.label <= e.label) ),'')

    end as Tue,

    case n.number

    when 0 then '--------------'

    else IsNull(( select e.label

    from #event e

    where e.event_date = w.startdate + 3

    and n.number = (select count(*) from #event e2 where e.event_date=e2.event_date and e2.label <= e.label) ),'')

    end as Wed,

    case n.number

    when 0 then '--------------'

    else IsNull(( select e.label

    from #event e

    where e.event_date = w.startdate + 4

    and n.number = (select count(*) from #event e2 where e.event_date=e2.event_date and e2.label <= e.label) ),'')

    end as Thur,

    case n.number

    when 0 then '--------------'

    else IsNull(( select e.label

    from #event e

    where e.event_date = w.startdate + 5

    and n.number = (select count(*) from #event e2 where e.event_date=e2.event_date and e2.label <= e.label) ),'')

    end as Fri

    from #weeks w

    cross join #nums n

    where n.number <= ( select case when max(c.count) = 0 then 1 else max(c.count) end

    from (select count(*) 'count'

    from #event e

    where e.event_date between w.startdate and w.startdate + 7

    group by day(e.event_date)) as c


    order by w.startdate

    Performance won't be great but I think it gives the right answer!

  • I see what you're doing, David.

  • The FROM clause uses #weeks and #nums to generate the maximum possible number of rows for all the weeks.
  • The WHERE clause uses a subquery to filter for the appropriate number of rows for each week.
  • Then the Mon-Fri columns are filled in with subqueries, picking the appropriate event for that row based on the row number.
  • The CASE ... WHEN 0 fills in the line between weeks.
  • I'm sure I can figure out how to move the line between the weeks from before the week to after the week. And #weeks can be generated on the fly with #nums. Thanks.

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