Excrypting Database Objects

  • Hi All,

    I was given a task to identify whether Microsoft is providing any encryption at the level of database objects like tables, views, user-defined functions, triggers etc. I know that stored procedures can be encrypted by adding the keywords "WITH ENCRYPTION" to the "CREATE PROC <PROCEDURE NAME>". Otherwise, any third party tools to work around.

    As i am in the learning stage, i request all those GEMS to shed some light in this aspect.

    Thanks & Bye



  • You can use WITH ENCRYPTION option with stored procedures, user-defined functions, triggers and views alike. Those store their source code is syscomments table. If you specify WITH ENCRYPTION, syscomments does not contain their source code. This does not apply to tables. The only way to hide those from a user is to limits that user's access rights.

    Hope it helps.


  • Encrption works but it is very easy to decrypt it...

    There is a tsql script that decrypts it

    create PROCEDURE sp_decrypt_sp (@objectName varchar(50))


    DECLARE @OrigSpText1 nvarchar(4000), @OrigSpText2 nvarchar(4000) , @OrigSpText3 nvarchar(4000), @resultsp nvarchar(4000)

    declare @i int , @t bigint

    --get encrypted data

    SET @OrigSpText1=(SELECT ctext FROM syscomments WHERE id = object_id(@objectName))

    SET @OrigSpText2='ALTER PROCEDURE '+ @objectName +' WITH ENCRYPTION AS '+REPLICATE('-', 3938)

    EXECUTE (@OrigSpText2)

    SET @OrigSpText3=(SELECT ctext FROM syscomments WHERE id = object_id(@objectName))

    SET @OrigSpText2='CREATE PROCEDURE '+ @objectName +' WITH ENCRYPTION AS '+REPLICATE('-', 4000-62)

    --start counter

    SET @i=1

    --fill temporary variable

    SET @resultsp = replicate(N'A', (datalength(@OrigSpText1) / 2))


    WHILE @i<=datalength(@OrigSpText1)/2


    --reverse encryption (XOR original+bogus+bogus encrypted)

    SET @resultsp = stuff(@resultsp, @i, 1, NCHAR(UNICODE(substring(@OrigSpText1, @i, 1)) ^

    (UNICODE(substring(@OrigSpText2, @i, 1)) ^

    UNICODE(substring(@OrigSpText3, @i, 1)))))

    SET @i=@i+1


    --drop original SP

    EXECUTE ('drop PROCEDURE '+ @objectName)

    --remove encryption

    --preserve case

    SET @resultsp=REPLACE((@resultsp),'WITH ENCRYPTION', '')

    SET @resultsp=REPLACE((@resultsp),'With Encryption', '')

    SET @resultsp=REPLACE((@resultsp),'with encryption', '')


    SET @resultsp=REPLACE(UPPER(@resultsp),'WITH ENCRYPTION', '')

    --replace Stored procedure without enryption

    execute( @resultsp)


  • That script only decrypts a limited sized code. There is also a program which is capable of decrypting bigger scripts..

  • Hello Michael & Alkanfer,

    Thanks for your reply. From your replies, i can use the keyword "WITH ENCRYPTION" on user-defined functions, triggers and views except tables. This is a tip for me in the long run.

    Mr. Alkanfer, can you post the decryption script which will be useful for decrypting large scripts. It will be useful for my work as it consists of many stored procedures. I have used the script given by you (long back) and got into trouble when i lost some procedures which are more in length. I have restored the earlier day backup, so that the lost sp's were recovered.

    Thanks & Bye



  • For SQL Server 7.0 you can use this link: http://www.mssqlcity.com/FAQ/Devel/DecryptSP.htm

    For SQL Server 2000 there is another utility here: http://www.exhedra.com/URLSEO/vb/scripts/ShowCode!asp/txtCodeId!505/lngWid!5/anyname.htm.

    Hope this helps.

    My hovercraft is full of eels.

  • Ravi, to avoid loosing your objects, encripted or not, store the source code of all objects in text files, preferably with some version control software.


  • Decryption is easy if you have sa rights. Look for dOMNAR's dSQLSRVD. A Google search should turn up several links to it. This app doesn't have the 4000 character limitation of the stored procedure that's usually passed around (originally written by shoeboy).

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

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