Execute AS

  • Hi,

    we want to enable our users to query some information about their databases which usually can only admins. The plan is to provide some functions/procedures, and let them be run as a priveleged "Admin" User.

    So, we have an admin_login on the server and an admin_user on the database mapped to the admin_login.

    The following Function only works if it is run as the admin_login:

    CREATE FUNCTION [admin].[fn_db_get_sqltext]


    @spid SMALLINT




    -- admin.fn_db_get_sqltext


    -- Retrieves the SQL text for the given sessions id, only for the current

    -- database.


    -- Paremeters:

    -- @spid The session id the retrieve the current SQL text for.


    -- Return value:

    -- The SQL text for the given session_id.



    DECLARE @SqlHandle VARBINARY(64)

    DECLARE @SqlText NVARCHAR(4000)

    -- Get sql_handle for the given spid.

    SELECT @SqlHandle = sql_handle FROM sys.dm_exec_requests WITH (nolock)

    WHERE database_id = DB_ID()

    AND session_id = @spid

    -- Get the SQL text for the given sql_handle.

    SELECT @SqlText = [text] FROM sys.dm_exec_sql_text(@SqlHandle)

    RETURN @SqlText


    This works:

    execute as LOGIN = 'xxx_admin'

    select [admin].[fn_db_get_sqltext] (1)

    --exec [admin].[sp_list_blocking_sessions]


    But I have to get it to work with the Admin_USER on the Users database. The execute as clause in the function works with a user, not with a login.

    So, what can do?

    Thanks in advance,


  • execute as LOGIN = 'xxx_admin'

    select [admin].[fn_db_get_sqltext] (1)

    --exec [admin].[sp_list_blocking_sessions]


    does this work

    execute as USER = 'Admin_user'

    select [admin].[fn_db_get_sqltext] (1)

    --exec [admin].[sp_list_blocking_sessions]


    You can specify a user name for use of a function, let me know if you have any problems

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  • No!

    Msg 297, Level 16, State 1, Line 4

    The user does not have permission to perform this action.

    I had added the folliwing permissions to the login:

    use master

    grant view server state to xxx_Admin


    sp_addsrvrolemember 'xxx_Admin', 'sysadmin'

  • tobe_ha (11/2/2009)


    Msg 297, Level 16, State 1, Line 4

    The user does not have permission to perform this action.

    I had added the folliwing permissions to the login:

    use master

    grant view server state to xxx_Admin


    sp_addsrvrolemember 'xxx_Admin', 'sysadmin'

    Let me have a look, bear in mind that the login will need the rights to all objects referenced within the function. and if you are sysadmin, you already have full rights, you dont need to grant anything.

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  • But I still have the problem:

    as login works:

    execute as LOGIN = 'xxx_admin'

    select [admin].[fn_db_get_sqltext] (1)


    but as USER works not.

    execute as USER = 'xxx_admin'

    select [admin].[fn_db_get_sqltext] (1)


  • Dont really have the time for this.

    the problem that I see is that, in the function the second select is referencing sys.dm_exec_sql_text, which needs master database access and also requires view server state, which you grant at the login level, not the user level.

    I have replicated your entire setup and I cannot get it to work in the spare time I had. I am pretty sure there are easier ways of giving this access.

    Over to you guys, I need to get releases done.

    Just out of curiosity, in which database would the function be stored in. would it be master (not recommended), or one of the user databases?

    the reason it probably works as a login, is that that login has a user/access in/to the master database, which it wont have as when running it as a user.

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  • Just out of curiosity, in which database would the function be stored in. would it be master (not recommended), or one of the user databases?

    the reason it probably works as a login, is that that login has a user/access in/to the master database, which it wont have as when running it as a user.


    the function should be installed in the user database, as the admins surely doesn't want our project to change the master database (there are other projects on the same server)

    The problem is still unsolved. Are there ideas? If it is not possible, please say so.


  • bump ^^

    I am eagerly looking for some kind of resolution to this as well. in my case as login doesn't work either. I need to delegate access to view some dmvs and cannot give sysadmin priviliges.

  • Rather than jumping through all the hoops of impersonating a SYSADMIN, you could just grant the login(s) VIEW SERVER STATE permission.


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