Execute Sql Task

  • Hi! Guys i'm fairly new to SSIS and i'm working on execute sql task from last couple of days

    to send mail but i'm getting this error

    [Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'kalyan', @recipients = 'beekalyan@gmail.com', @body = 'just checking for mail', @subject = 'Automated Success Message'" failed with the following error: "Could not find server 'EXEC msdb' in sysservers. Execute sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sysservers.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

    please tell me how to configure it i mean how to use sp_send_dbmail in execute sql task

  • did you created profilename = kalyan?

    if yes then can you send test email?

  • yes i created profile name kalyan its working fine i even sent test mail n got that test mail

    but i'm trying to do it from SSIS execute sql task it is hsowing above error

    Please help me out coz i need it very urgently

    Thanks in advance

  • which connection ur using for execute sql task?

  • Now its working i juz changed connection to OLEDB earlier i selected ADO.NET

    Thanq Bang for all ur replies it was very helpfull

    Now its working

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