Execute SQL Task and Parameters - getting error

  • I have a SSIS variable defined:

    Name = varMyValue

    Scope = mypackagename

    Data Type =  String

    Value = "temp"

    I have a Execute SQL Task that is using a Native OLE/DB client connection object.  I have a SQL Stmt = exec dbo.spDoSomething ?.  In Parameter Mapping, I have the following:

    Varibale Name = User::varMyValue

    Direction = Input

    Data Type = Varchar

    Parameter Name = 0

    When I try to parse this query I get the following error.

    The query failed to parse. Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

    Why is this happening?

  • if memory serves, the parser is not smart enough to understand SSIS parameter queries with the "?" place-holder.  The parser can only handle literal SQL.

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