execute ssis in query analyser and pass parameters to the variables

  • I have developed a ssis package which has several parameters, i.e. file path, databasename, servername, etc...


    I can run this ssis package in Dev (Pointing to Dev sql server) and Prod (Pointing to Prod sql server) in the visual studio design mode. i.e. by running the start debugging (green arrow) button.

    All ok so far...

    2- In query analyser, in Dev sql server, I can execute this ssis package using xp_cmdshell @param where @param are the parameters being passed to the ssis

    3- In Prod sql server, I do the same as in step 2 above but I get an error which is:

    "The system cannot find the path specified."

    How can I find out what this is referring to please?


  • 'XP_cmdshell' is unable to find the path of your package, can you let me know the type of deployment you have used.

    http://msbimentalist.wordpress.com 🙂

  • Issue was solved and it was to do with permissioning.


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