Expand Template with Values from Result Set

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Expand Template with Values from Result Set

  • Practically the whole of this article was included in the daily email newsletter (http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/NewsletterArchive/2016/10/13/15230172). The only bit missing from the email newsletter was the code after the section "Concluding Thoughts and Suggestions" with its 4 bullet points! Usually we just get the first couple of paragraphs and a MORE link to get to the whole article. Is this some mistake in the newsletter functionality?

  • I have removed the following notes between the Editor and Author and re-submitted the article:

    Author: Yes, I forgot to include it. Added code to script box now. Thanks, Bill.

    Editor: No code in the script box. Did you forget to include it?

    I am sorry for any confusion this may have caused.

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