Explanation of SQL Code

  • hi, can someone help me what does this code mean/do step by step. thank you so much, i understand the basics but what are the two dotes and the first line

    select distinct left(a.unq_id_src_stm,13) partija_13,a.unq_id_src_stm, b.cl_val_id

    into #t1

    from tez_bdw_tut..sor_pd_ar a

    join TEZ_BDW_TUT..sor_ar_x_cl b on a.PD_AR_ID = b.AR_ID

    where b.cl_scm_id = 63 and

    20200806 between b.eff_dt and isnull(b.end_dt,99991231)

    and a.src_substm_id = 7 and a.UNQ_ID_SRC_STM like '00701%'

    select distinct a.*, b.PARTIJA, b.STATUS, b.iznos,

    (case when a.CL_VAL_ID = 630002 then '0' when a.CL_VAL_ID = 630007 then '1' else 'non existing value' end ) status_new

    into ##t2

    from #t1 a

    join tez_inpt_tut..d_provcalc b on b.PARTIJA = a.partija_13 collate database_default

    --where (a.CL_VAL_ID <> 630002 and b.STATUS = 0) or (a.CL_VAL_ID <> 630007 and b.STATUS = 1)

    where b.STATUS <> (case when a.CL_VAL_ID = 630002 then '0' when a.CL_VAL_ID = 630007 then '1' else 'non existing value' end )

    order by 1,3

  • # is a local temp table, ## is a global temp table, and left function pulls characters from a string, the person who wrote this is pulling 13.





    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by  lkennedy76.

    MCSE SQL Server 2012\2014\2016

  • The dots are part of the three part naming. They're supplying the database name, TEZ_BDW_TUT, skipping the schema name, '..', and supplying the table name, sor_ar_x_cl. The assumption is, the schema that you're running this under is the same, so everything will work. Personally, I think that's a very poor coding practice. I recommend people always include the schema. In fact, usually, exclude the database, but include the schema is the right way.

    Also worth noting, aliasing tables as 'a', 'b', 'c' is a sure fire way to cause confusion. Different tables will be 'a' in different queries, making code very difficult to decipher. Better to have a consistent aliasing method that leads to clear communication. All code is communication. Make it as clear as possible. Instead, for the table sor_ar_x_cl, I'd go with saxc for an alias. Use that alias everywhere and things are more clear.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

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