Explicit value errors out when using Group By clause

  • When I insert records into a table that has an IDENTITY column, records with explicit values error out when the table also includes a GROUP BY clause:

    Drop Table #Test1

    Create Table #Test1 (Account varchar(15))

    Insert #Test1 Values ('20320660')

    Insert #Test1 Values ('20321171')

    Insert #Test1 Values ('20321288')

    Drop Table #Test2

    Create Table #Test2 ( IdNum     int IDENTITY

                                 , Account  varchar(15)

                                 , Volume   varchar(3)     )

    -- This works:

    Insert Into #Test2

    Select     Account

                 , (Count(Account)/Count(Account)) As Volume 

    From       #Test1

    Group By Account

    -- This works too:

    Insert Into #Test2

    Select     Account

                 , 1 As Volume 

    From      #Test1

    -- This returns an error message:

    -- Server: Msg 8101, Level 16, State 1, Line 37

    -- An explicit value for the identity column in table '#Test2' can only

    -- be specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON.

    Insert Into #Test2

    Select      Account

                  , 1 As Volume 

    From        #Test1

    Group By  Account  

    Can someone help me understand what's going on?  I'm not attempting to insert anything into the identity column, as the error seems to indicate. 



  • insert #Test2 (account, volume)

    Select      Account

                  , 1 As Volume

    From        #Test1

    Group By  Account

  • As Steve pointed out this is a case of lazyness catching up with you! This is the best reason to ALWAYS explicitly list out the fields you want to insert into.

    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

  • Thanks for clearing this up for me - a good learning experience.



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