Export to a textfile is revers the columns

  • Hello. I have a problem with some some SISS packages that I have converted from DTS. Acually its only one off the packages that not work. I do a export from a select query to a textfile. The query return like:

    Xxx1;123213;name, name;Addess;number;Address;telephon;mail;17;1

    The problem is when it gos to the textfile. When I look in it its look like the column is reversed. Like this:

    1;17;mail;tlephone;Address;number;and so on….

    Anyone who now what it can be? I can not figure it out. The other packages that do about this package works ok.

    Kind Regard Joel

  • If you want a quick and easy way to solve this, pass it throgh Copy column or Sort transformation. Try doing this and you will understand what I mean. Usually doing things in SSIS from DTS creates a lot of impacts on the package. This may be one of them.

    [font="Verdana"]Imagination is more important than knowledge-Albert Einstein[/font]

  • I had a problem similar to yours, order of my Input columns[in table] did not match the order of my Output columns[ in TXT file].

    If this sound fimilar to your problem,this is what I did to solve it .

    Rearrange the columns order in my SELECT query and make sure the columns are mapped accordingly in Flat File Connection[by order]

    [font="TimesNewRoman"] “I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work”........Thomas Alva Edison[/font]

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