Exporting Reports to XML

  • Hi folks,

    If you are using Access 2002 for front and back end solutions, what's the best way to export reports to XML format?  Just need a quick answer on this one.  Thanks!

  • I assume you have already found a solution to this, but if you haven't then here it is:

    If you are simply using the MS-Access front-end in developer mode, then you Right-Click on the report you want to export, select Export, choose XML as the file type and the folder into which you want to store the file. If you wish you can go look at the advanced options to specify if you wnat to just export the data, the schema, and images - a Cooler export you will never find!

    If you are coding the export then you could use the following code. ObjectType is mandatory as is the XMl file name. If you choose to provide a file name for the PresentationTarget, then in addition to the XML data file, an XSL stylesheet file will be generated as well. The OtherFlags argument allows you to choose between htm and asp. You may also specify the images folder.

    Dim sReport As String, sXML As String, sXSL As String

    Dim iOutType as Integer

    sReport = "repCustomerGroupingbyCountry"

    sXML = "C:\MyReports\repCustGrpbyCtry.xml"

    sXSL = "C:\MyReports\repCustGrpbyCtry.xsl"

    iOutType = 4 ' Use 0 to export in HTMExport

    ExportXML acExportReport, sReport , sXML, ,sXSL, _

    , ,iOutType

    Hope that helps


  • Excellent, James!  That's exactly what I was looking for (the code part that is)! 

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