Extract data from Textfile

  • I am using Sqlserver 6.5 .
    Problem : T have usually to work with text file . So I receive data in Text File , then I extract the data to fill my data base
    The Question : is there a solution to Open FileText with sql server (example in Stored Procedure ) and read it line per line to exxtract the data .
    Can you give Me some examples Please
  • I believe your best method would be to load the text file into a staging table with bcp. When you ahve the file loaded in that table, you can then do SQL on the data. When satisfied, scrubbed and cleaned, that data can be brought into the production table.

    See BOL (Books on Line) for more info on bcp.exe


  • Here is A way, not the best way of course to read in a text file line by line and return it as a rowset:

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.AgentBatchLoadStatementFile_Read


    @sFileName  VarChar(255)




    DECLARE @objFSys  INT

    DECLARE @objFile  INT

    DECLARE @sFileNameOld VarChar(255)

    DECLARE @bAtEndOfFile INT

    DECLARE @LineNumber INT

    DECLARE @LineText  VarChar(1000)

    DECLARE @FileExists  BIT

    DECLARE @FileContents TABLE (

     LineNumber INT NOT NULL,

     LineText VarChar(1000)


     -- test if the file exists

     EXEC sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject', @objFSys OUT

     EXEC sp_OAMethod @objFSys, 'FileExists', @FileExists OUT, @sFileName

     IF @FileExists = 0


      INSERT INTO @FileContents

      ( LineNumber,




      ( 2,

       'Error: File ' + @sFileName + ' does not exist.'





      -- open file file object

      EXEC sp_OAMethod @objFSys, 'OpenTextFile', @objFile OUT, @sFileName, 1

      EXEC sp_OAMethod @objFile, 'AtEndOfStream', @bAtEndOfFile OUT

      -- this will return the next line number to insert into the variable table

      SELECT @LineNumber = ISNULL(MAX(LineNumber), 0) + 1 FROM @FileContents

      -- read all lines of statement and insert contents to table as rows

      WHILE @bAtEndOfFile = 0


       -- read next line of statement from file

       EXEC sp_OAMethod @objFile, 'ReadLine', @LineText OUT

       -- insert line text into table

       INSERT INTO @FileContents

       ( LineNumber,




       ( @LineNumber,



       -- increment line number for next insert

       SELECT @LineNumber = @LineNumber + 1


       -- test if end of file has been reached

       EXEC sp_OAMethod @objFile, 'AtEndOfStream', @bAtEndOfFile OUT




     -- cleanup objects

     EXEC sp_OADestroy @objFSys

     EXEC sp_OADestroy @objFile


    --- Return the File to Display, or Error message text









    -Mike Gercevich

  • Use DTS!

  • Well, if you absolutely must read the file row-by-row (why do you want to do that?) then DTS will provide that for you if you also do some sort of transform from the file to your table. I suppose then that DTS would be easiest tool of choice.

    A note on the sp_OA* method posted earlier:

    As you say, it's not the 'best' way to load a file

    There are some constructs in there ( MAX(id) ) that doesn't scale well, so if the file is large, then it will be slower and slower.. Also, the end result from all that COM juggling is the same as..

    create table loadTable ( lineNumber int identity(1,1) not null, lineText varchar(1000) not null )

    bcp myFile in loadTable (all rows inserted and linenumber generated automagically) 

    select * from loadTable (returns the resultset)

    Yeah, no errorhandling in the pseudocode, but it's much shorter and also takes benefit of existing bcp.exe rather than risking running sp_OA* obects inprocess (which always is a risk jeopardizing the server)


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