Extracting date field from date_time

  • I am trying to run a simple SELECT query to select just three dates from a table. The date column also has the time in it as well. How do I run a query just to select the dates without the time?

  • You can convert or cast it to a VARCHAR and strip off the time:


    Look up CAST or CONVERT in books online.

    If this is just for display purposes, stripping time off of datetime fields is something that should be done in the client application as a display option using the user's local date/time display settings.

  • Another option is as follows:

    declare @TestTbl table (

    Date1 datetime,

    Date2 datetime,

    Date3 datetime


    insert into @TestTbl

    select '2008-11-11 12:00:00.000', '2008-11-12 08:30:34.333', '2008-11-13 14:12:15.000';





    dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, Date1), 0) as Date1a,

    dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, Date2), 0) as Date2a,

    dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, Date3), 0) as Date3a



  • And here is one more option:

    select cast(Floor(cast(Getdate() as float)) as datetime)


  • There's been many discussions about this on the forums.

    The consensus was that the method Lynn mentioned is the fastest.

    SELECT DATEADD(dd,0, DATEDIFF(dd,0,GetUTCDate()))

  • I appreciate everyone's responses regarding the date_time field. After talking with one of my fellow DBA's I used the BETWEEN command to select the dates. Here is my query. I wanted to select 9/29, 10/2 and 10/3.

    SELECT *

    FROM dbo.tbl_dates

    WHERE (date_time BETWEEN '2008-09-29' AND '2008-09-30')

    OR (date_time BETWEEN '2008-10-02' AND '2008-10-04')

  • rshafer (12/3/2008)

    I appreciate everyone's responses regarding the date_time field. After talking with one of my fellow DBA's I used the BETWEEN command to select the dates. Here is my query. I wanted to select 9/29, 10/2 and 10/3.

    SELECT *

    FROM dbo.tbl_dates

    WHERE (date_time BETWEEN '2008-09-29' AND '2008-09-30')

    OR (date_time BETWEEN '2008-10-02' AND '2008-10-04')

    This will also pull records with a date_time = '2008-09-30 00:00:00.000' or date_time = '2008-10-04 00:00:00.000'.

    This is what you would want for your WHERE clause:


    (date_time >= '2008-09-29' AND date_time < '2008-09-30')

    OR (date_time >= '2008-10-02' AND date_time < '2008-10-04')

  • Lynn Pettis (12/3/2008)

    rshafer (12/3/2008)

    I appreciate everyone's responses regarding the date_time field. After talking with one of my fellow DBA's I used the BETWEEN command to select the dates. Here is my query. I wanted to select 9/29, 10/2 and 10/3.

    SELECT *

    FROM dbo.tbl_dates

    WHERE (date_time BETWEEN '2008-09-29' AND '2008-09-30')

    OR (date_time BETWEEN '2008-10-02' AND '2008-10-04')

    This will also pull records with a date_time = '2008-09-30 00:00:00.000' or date_time = '2008-10-04 00:00:00.000'.

    This is what you would want for your WHERE clause:


    (date_time >= '2008-09-29' AND date_time < '2008-09-30')

    OR (date_time >= '2008-10-02' AND date_time < '2008-10-04')

    I orignally was using the greater than and less than operators before talking to my coworker. How is it when I use the BETWEEN statement that is did not reutrn 9/30 and 10/4? I had the same thinking as you, but SQL only returned 9/29, 10/2 and 10/3.

  • You did not see any results for the end dates because you specified exactly midnight of that day.

    You did not have any records at exactly midnight on 10/4. However, if you did have records at that time it would have been returned.

  • ggraber already answered your question. The best thing I could suggest at this time is for you to test it yourself. All you need to do is create a small table with one column, a datetime, insert some values, including some at midnight and check it out the difference between the two methods.

  • ggraber (12/3/2008)

    You did not see any results for the end dates because you specified exactly midnight of that day.

    You did not have any records at exactly midnight on 10/4. However, if you did have records at that time it would have been returned.

    Ggraber you are correct. Just tested it on my machine and when I inserted a row for 9/30 and 10/4 with a time of midnight it did include those dates. Thanks again for everyones help.

  • rshafer (12/3/2008)

    Thanks again for everyones help.

    You're welcome, and thanks for the feedback.

  • Just learned that you can use the LIKE command to select individual months. You have to use the three letter abbreviation and enclose it in percent signs. A handy little statement I didn't know about.

    SELECT *

    FROM items_ordered

    WHERE order_date LIKE '%dec%'

  • You can, but doing something like WHERE MONTH(order_date) = 12 is cleaner and faster.

    Seth Phelabaum

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  • rshafer (12/3/2008)

    I appreciate everyone's responses regarding the date_time field. After talking with one of my fellow DBA's I used the BETWEEN command to select the dates. Here is my query. I wanted to select 9/29, 10/2 and 10/3.

    SELECT *

    FROM dbo.tbl_dates

    WHERE (date_time BETWEEN '2008-09-29' AND '2008-09-30')

    OR (date_time BETWEEN '2008-10-02' AND '2008-10-04')

    Seems you need this:

    SELECT SUBSTRING((CONVERT(varchar, getdate(), 101)),1,5)


    SELECT SUBSTRING((CONVERT(varchar, date_time, 101)),1,5)

    FROM dbo.tbl_dates

    WHERE (date_time BETWEEN '2008-09-29' AND '2008-09-30')

    OR (date_time BETWEEN '2008-10-02' AND '2008-10-04')

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