Extracting out elements from XML String based on condition in tag

  • Hi there

    i want to extract data from XML string based on certain criteria

    My xml is as follows:

    declare @DataSheetXML xml = '<Datasheet













    <ChannelDefinition IsAlarmable="True" IsEnableable="True">
















    <LoggerUnits>Degrees Celsius</LoggerUnits>



    <Noise xsi:nil="true" />








    <OutUnits>Degrees Celsius</OutUnits>

















    <SourceList />


    <ChannelDefinition IsAlarmable="True" IsEnableable="True">



















    <Noise xsi:nil="true" />

























    <SourceList />




    select @DataSheetXML

    Now from the above I want to be able to extract with the criteria IsEnableable="True"

    How do I do this?

    Secondly I would like to extract the following information for each channel :

    • Index
    • OutUnits

    see attached screenshot

    So i would then have the following information:


    Now I can get to the ChannelID by doing the following:

    select @DataSheetXML.value('(Datasheet/ChannelList/ChannelDefinition/Index)[1]', 'int' ) --2.01

    select @DataSheetXML.value('(Datasheet/ChannelList/ChannelDefinition/Index)[2]', 'int' ) --2.01

    select @DataSheetXML.value('(Datasheet/ChannelList/ChannelDefinition/SensorScaling/OutUnits)[1]', 'varchar(20)' ) --2.01

    But I can get in the table format shown above

    How can I do this please?

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  • This should work for you

    select x.r.value('Index[1]','int') as ChannelID,
    x.r.value('(SensorScaling/OutUnits)[1]','varchar(20)') as [SI Units]
    from @DataSheetXML.nodes('Datasheet/ChannelList/ChannelDefinition[@IsEnableable="True"]') x(r);


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  • Hi Mark

    Briiliant that works very well. Thank you very much for doing that.

    I can see what you are doing

    @DataSheetXML.nodes('Datasheet/ChannelList/ChannelDefinition[@IsEnableable="True"]') x(r) --> Subselects the group to query on

    Then x.r.value('(SensorScaling/OutUnits)[1]','varchar(20)') will extract the OutUnits

    Ive tweaked it also to return the OutDimension and OutSymbol in there

    x.r.value('(SensorScaling/OutDimension)[1]','varchar(20)') as [OutDimension],

    x.r.value('(SensorScaling/OutSymbol)[1]','varchar(20)') as [OutSymbol]

    I see that you have to use [1]  as there is only 1 value in this entry


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