Extracting text from a longer string

  • I have a field called ReportPath containing data like this:

    /DL047 London Ship Managers/Call Records Invoice Back Up

    /DL047 London Ship Managers/Invoices by Vessel


    How do I create and alias to get just the left-most text between the two "\" characters so it returns just

    DL047 London Ship Managers

    DL047 London Ship Managers


    Anyone able to help an amateur?  Thanks in advance...

  • Do all the entries look like this or some have the slash and others do not

  • SUBSTRING([ReportPath],2,CHARINDEX('/',[ReportPath],2)-2)

    Is the first '/' always in column 1 ?

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • If not then


    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

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