Failed to initialize sqlcmd library with error number -2147467259. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22050)

  • I am running the following script through SSMS and it works fine but while i run through job i am receiving failed to initialize sqlcmd library error. I have search on web and made few changes i.e change @query_result_header = 1 and @query_no_truncate = 1 but somehow it's not wroking for me.

    Can anyone please advice?

    declare @sub as nvarchar(128)

    set @sub = 'Error Logs From ' + convert(varchar(50), getdate() - 1, 121)

    EXEC [msdb].dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @profile_name ='SQLSRVMON',

    @recipients ='XXXX',

    @subject = @sub,

    @from_address= '',

    @reply_to = '',

    @body ='Everyone, The following are a list of errors from the previous daY ',


    @execute_query_database ='db_NAME',

    @attach_query_result_as_file = '1',

    @query_attachment_filename = 'output.txt',

    --@query_result_width = 2000,

    @query_result_header = 1,

    @query_no_truncate = 1,

    @query_result_no_padding = 0,

    --@query_no_truncate = 1,

    @query_result_separator = '',

    @query = '

    select '' ID: '' + cast(L.Id as nvarchar(20)) + char(13) + char(10)

    , ''DATE: '' + cast(L.[Date] as nvarchar(20)) + char(13) + char(10)

    , ''THREAD: '' +L.[Thread] + char(13) + char(10)

    , ''LEVEL: '' + L.[Level] + char(13) + char(10)

    , ''LOGGER: '' + L.[Logger] + char(13) + char(10)

    , ''METHOD: '' + L.[Method] + char(13) + char(10)

    , ''MESSAGE: '' + L.[Message] + char(13) + char(10) + char(13) + char(10)

    , ''EXCEPTION: '' + L.[Exception] + char(13) + char(10) + char(13) + char(10) + char(13) + char(10) + ''-------------------------------------------------------''

    from [db_name].[dbo].[Log] L with (nolock)

    where L.[Level] = ''ERROR''

    and logger <> ''TextLogging''

    and logger not like ''WebForms%''

    and [date] >= GETDATE() - 1 order by id asc



    This works fine if i remove the @query. Not sure what is the exact problem with this query?

    I have included db_name.schema.table_name.

  • i am having this same truncation issue, have you solved this?

  • Take a look at this link, hope this will help you out:[/url]

  • I found this info to help me with the same error:


    original post was failing because SQL didn’t know where to run SELECT * FROM TestTable. The fix is to provide sp_send_dbmail with database context by either fully qualifying your table in the @query parameter:

    @query = 'SELECT id FROM testDB.dbo.TestTable'

    or by providing the optional @execute_query_database parameter:

    @execute_query_database = 'testDB'

    I chose to add the @execute_query_database and it worked!

    Source: Found Here

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