Fatal error 625 - Connection broken problem (Help needed)

  • Hello everyone,

    When I execute the following statement in the query analyzer on a msSQL2000 database...

    delete from DVD_I_Have where id in(select top 1 id from DVD_I_Have where Userid=78 and DVDID=8 and onhold=0);

    I get the following error...

    Server: Msg 21, Level 20, State 1, Line 1

    Warning: Fatal error 625 occurred at Jan 30 2007  2:15PM

    Connection Broken

    If I execute a simple SELECT statement, or any other statement, it runs ok and doesn't cause an error.

    Is there anything wrong with the above statement? and how can it be causing that error message?

    Thanks in advance for all help received!

    Regards, Robert





    Phone a Babysitter.com
    Connecting Parents and Babysitters Nationwide!

  • connection broken is typically a one time kind of error, where you lost your connection to your database, whether a cable was kicked out, an admin killed your spid, or any other networking issue.

    try again, and then let us know if you get kicked out every time you run the delete statement; i don't think this will repeat, however.


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  • Is there more then 1 ID that matches the where clause in the sub query?

    I ask because I am wondering why you have such a complicated script for what seems like a simple task.

    Either way I would simplify the query OR Upgrade your version to the latest Service pack. This connection broken problem was supposed to be fixed in service pack 4 I believe.

    I would >

    instead of

    delete from DVD_I_Have where id in(select top 1 id from DVD_I_Have where Userid=78 and DVDID=8 and onhold=0)

    TRY >

    delete from DVD_I_Have where id = ?Result from the subquery?


    DECLARE @result numeric (18,0)

    SET @result = (select top 1 id from DVD_I_Have where Userid=78 and DVDID=8 and onhold=0)

    delete from DVD_I_Have where id = @Result

  • Lowell - There is actually a known issue with the connection breaking. many times caused by a cursor but other things too. It will break your connection over and over again.

  • Thank you for the quick replies!

    Lowell, the error message is consistent - I get it every time I execute the above statement.

    As far as the complexity of the statement goes, its my developers work, so I presume he has a reason for it. Personally I'm not to well versed in this.

    As mentioned, quite oddly, its only this statement causing the error. If I try other statements, they execute ok. Based on your replies, and the fact i don't receive a syntax error in the query analyzer, it should run ok.

    In regards to the server, it is provided by a third party (webhost) so I don't have access to it, outside of using enterprise manager. I'll mentioned server pack 4 to my host to see if its been installed.

    Any other ideas why this specific sql statement is causing the error?

    Thanks, Robert






    Phone a Babysitter.com
    Connecting Parents and Babysitters Nationwide!

  • Run this query:

    SELECT ServerProperty('Edition'),



    Then let us know what the results are. It will tell you what Service Pack level you have installed along with a couple of other things).


  • Have you checked the Windows Event Viewer Logs for related error messages?

    Can you run these and see what happens:

    select top 1 id from DVD_I_Have where Userid=78 and DVDID=8 and onhold=0;

    SELECT * from DVD_I_Have where id in(select top 1 id from DVD_I_Have where Userid=78 and DVDID=8 and onhold=0);

    I'm wondering if the problem is with the SELECT TOP ....? You don't have an ORDER BY.


  • Hi SQLBill,

    Thanks for the reply! here's what I got...

    Run this query:

    SELECT ServerProperty('Edition'),




    Have you checked the Windows Event Viewer Logs for related error messages?How do I access the event viewer in enterprise manager? Or is this something i would find on the web server? 

    Select top 1 id from DVD_I_Have where Userid=78 and DVDID=8 and onhold=0;

    RESPONSE: ID 167 (which is correct)

    SELECT * from DVD_I_Have where id in(select top 1 id from DVD_I_Have where Userid=78 and DVDID=8 and onhold=0);

    RESPONSE: RETURNS COMPLETE DATA FOR THAT ROW - (from all columns - which is correct)

    I'm wondering if the problem is with the SELECT TOP ....? You don't have an ORDER BY.

    I'm not well versed in sql, but would a delete statement have a order by clause?





    Phone a Babysitter.com
    Connecting Parents and Babysitters Nationwide!

  • One nasty horrible little program I came across can cause this - apart from the suggestions supplied.

    It's called Entercept (or was, I think they renamed it) from McAfee and has the nasty ability to break connections when you try some standard SQL Server tasks it thinks you shouldn't be doing. It does not write to the event log or provide any user notification but will log it's own events - if you are the Entercept/whatever Admin you can see these events.

    The event logs you are interested in would be located on the server where SQL Server is installed. Check your own event logs also. (My Computer-right click-Manage)

    A delete statement does not have an order by clause but the subquery should - or else, logically, what is the TOP 1 the top of ?

    And I must ask - is DVD_I_Have a read only table ? Do updates to a row/column work ?


    The systems fine with no users loggged in. Can we keep it that way ?br>

  • try running it as - assuming that the result from the subquery is numeric.

    DECLARE @result numeric (18,0)

    SET @result = (select top 1 id from DVD_I_Have where Userid=78 and DVDID=8 and onhold=0)

    delete from DVD_I_Have where id = @Result

    Since you are at service pack 4, most likely there is not a hot fix that deals with this directly.

    Or have your developer rewrite the query - things can pass the snytax check and still not be correct.

  • Hello everyone,

    My developer changed the delete statement to the following, which has cleared up the fatal error problem. (followed JDixon's suggestion)

    string SomeID="0";

    strsql="select id from DVD_I_Have where userid="+Session["userid"].ToString()+" and DVDID="+DVDID+" and onhold=0";







    strsql="delete from  DVD_I_Have  where id="+SomeID+"";

    This was a strange situation, as the old statement ran perfectly on another sql2000 server for over 6 months without ever causing an error.

    Any comments on the new statement would be appreciated.

    Thanks to everyone for your help!





    Phone a Babysitter.com
    Connecting Parents and Babysitters Nationwide!

  • Though you solved it...here's the answers to your questions:

    Have you checked the Windows Event Viewer Logs for related error messages?How do I access the event viewer in enterprise manager? Or is this something i would find on the web server?

    This is on the server hosting SQL Server. Right click on My Computer icon and select Manage. Then you will see the Event Viewer Logs (Application, Security, System)

    I'm wondering if the problem is with the SELECT TOP ....? You don't have an ORDER BY.

    I'm not well versed in sql, but would a delete statement have a order by clause?

    As dbuchan said...the delete doesn't need an ORDER BY, but the sub-select does since there is a TOP statement. I believe SQL Server 2000 defaults to ORDER BY everything ASCending. Maybe SQL Server 2005 does not default and needs ORDER BY set explicitly.


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