favorite SPs?

  • When you get a new machine, what are some of your favorite sps or triggers to install?

    I use

    SQL SMTP Mail (sp)

    Notify failed job (trigger)

    Look for locks that haven't released (sp)

    Force rotate logs once a month (sp)

    Delete old backup history (sp)

    updatestats (sp)

    reindex routine (sql script)

    Anyone else?


  • That's about what I implement. Slightly different, I have a central machien that rolls up some of this info. I do add one that checks the version and config of SQL Server daily. Helps catch those "oh yeah, i installed..." items.

  • pray do tell....notify failed jobs trigger?

    I have a job step right now, but it's a pain in the preverbials to add the step for each job, where is the trigger at?

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • I thought it was on this web site here, but cannot seem to find it

    (of course I am breaking my rule of using the SMTP SP above)

    /* drop trigger trg_stepfailures */

    alter trigger trg_stepfailures

    on sysjobhistory

    for insert


    declare @strcmd varchar(800),@strRecipient varchar(128),@strMsg varchar(700)

    set @strRecipient = ''

    if exists (select * from inserted where run_status = 0 and step_name <> '(job outcome)')


     select  @strMsg =  @@servername + ' Job ' + sysjobs.name + ' Step ' +

     inserted.step_name + ' Message ' + inserted.message

     from inserted

     join sysjobs

     on inserted.job_id = sysjobs.job_id

     where inserted.run_status = 0


     raiserror (@strMsg, 16, 10) with log

     /* exec master.dbo.xp_sendmail @recipients = @strRecipient,

         @message = @strMsg,

         @subject = 'Job Failure' */

     select @strcmd = 'echo ' + @strMsg + ' > d:\jobs\blat\trigmsg.txt'

     exec master..xp_cmdshell @strcmd

     select @strMsg = 'D:\JOBS\BLAT\blat d:\jobs\blat\trigmsg.txt -t me@work.com -s ' + @@servername + '-SQL_Job_Failed -server smtp.work.com -f sqlalert@work.com -noh'

     exec master..xp_cmdshell @strMsg





  • Interesting, can you expand on how you do this?  Do you use DTS on one machine to deploy out the "favorites" to others?


  • How come you're using blat instead of xp_sendmail (or mail equivalent)?

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • Sorry, I'm relatively new to SQL and from an Oracle background, the procedure - Look for locks that haven't released (sp) sounds exactly what I need at the moment.  Can you point me in a direction for the sample script?

    Thanks in advance.

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