FAX using T-SQL

  • Hi all

    i have do some research on the TSQL Fax

    below is the code but im not really understand about the sp_OAMethod @WordDocument, 'SendFax', NULL, '', 'Invio fax da SQL Server'

    i want to check what is the requirement to using this store pro,do i need any additional software to allow the SQL SERVER directly interact with the fax machine.



    DECLARE @WordDocument int

    DECLARE @WordApplication int

    DECLARE @Content int

    DECLARE @visible int

    DECLARE @hr int

    DECLARE @text varchar(4096)

    -- Set WordDocument = CreateObject("Word

    --     .Document")

    EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'word.Document', @WordDocument OUT

    -- Set Application = WordDocument.Applic

    --     ation

    IF @hr = 0

    EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @WordDocument, 'Application', @WordApplication OUT

    -- Set Content = WordDocument.Content

    IF @hr = 0

    EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @WordDocument, 'Content', @Content OUT

    -- Content.Text = "Word Document " + vbN

    --     ewLine + "generated by SQL Server"

    IF @hr = 0


        set @text = 'Word Document' + char(10) + 'generated by SQL Server'

        EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @Content, 'Text', @text


    -- WordApplication.Visible = True

    IF @hr = 0


        EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @WordApplication, 'Visible', 1

        waitfor delay '00:00:10'


    -- WordDocument.SendFax "", "Send a fax

    --     from SQL Server"

    IF @hr = 0

    EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @WordDocument, 'SendFax', NULL, '', 'Invio fax da SQL Server'

    IF @hr <> 0


        print "ERROR OCCURRED: " + cast(@hr as varchar(128))



  • Basically you are instantiating a COM object in your PROC. You will also need Office (professional probably) installed on your server. I can't see anything else you would need.

    Think about this though. Is this really something you want to be doing on your server??? It's certainly cool to create faxes from a stored proc, but I have known the word COM object to crash A LOT! Furthermore, this will be nightmare to debug, will consume a huge amount of resources (how many copies of word do you want running on your SERVER?) and will not scale at all.

    This functionality really belongs in an application, not on the server. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

    SQL guy and Houston Magician

  • And if you INSIST on running this code on your server, add sp_OADestory @WordDocument in the end of your code to explicitly destory the COM object.

    SQL guy and Houston Magician

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