Federal Holiday Function

  • Thought this might be helpful. I've written a T-SQL function that returns a federal holiday name based on an input date. No external data sources are required. If the date is not one of the 10 designated federal holidays, the function returns NULL. I've tested the results against 5 previous years and it appears to be spot on.

    New Year's Day

    Martin Luther King Day

    President's Day

    Memorial Day

    Independence Day

    Labor Day

    Columbus Day

    Veteran's Day

    Thanksgiving Day

    Christmas Day

    Here is the T-SQL to drop and create the function.

    /****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[IsFederalHoliday] Script Date: 02/07/2012 13:05:02 ******/

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[IsFederalHoliday]') AND type in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF', N'FS', N'FT'))

    DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[IsFederalHoliday]


    /****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[IsFederalHoliday] Script Date: 02/07/2012 13:05:02 ******/





    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[IsFederalHoliday] (@InputDate DATETIME)







    DECLARE @Holiday VARCHAR(50)

    SET @Holiday = NULL

    -- Day of Week (@DW)

    -- 1 - Sunday

    -- 2 - Monday

    -- 3 - Tuesday

    -- 4 - Wednesday

    -- 5 - Thursday

    -- 6 - Friday

    -- 7 - Saturday

    SET @m = DATEPART(MM, @InputDate)

    SET @D = DATEPART(DD, @InputDate)

    SET @DW = DATEPART(DW, @InputDate)

    -- New Years Day

    -- Falls on Weekday

    IF (@M = 1 AND @D = 1 AND @DW BETWEEN 2 AND 6) SET @Holiday = 'New Year''s Day'


    -- Falls on Sunday

    IF (@M = 1 AND @D = 2 AND @DW = 2) SET @Holiday = 'New Year''s Day'


    -- Falls on Saturday

    IF (@M = 12 AND @D = 31 AND @DW = 6) SET @Holiday = 'New Year''s Day'

    -- Martin Luther King Day (3rd Monday of January)

    IF (@M = 1 AND @D BETWEEN 15 AND 21 AND @DW = 2) SET @Holiday = 'Martin Luther King Day'

    -- Presidents Day (3rd Monday of February)

    IF (@M = 2 AND @D BETWEEN 15 AND 21 AND @DW = 2) SET @Holiday = 'President''s Day'

    -- Memorial Day (Last Monday of May)

    IF (@M = 5 AND @D BETWEEN 25 AND 31 AND @DW = 2) SET @Holiday = 'Memorial Day'

    -- Independence Day

    -- Falls on Weekday

    IF (@M = 7 AND @D = 4 AND @DW BETWEEN 2 AND 6) SET @Holiday = 'Independence Day'


    -- Falls on Sunday

    IF (@M = 7 AND @D = 5 AND @DW = 2) SET @Holiday = 'Independence Day'


    -- Falls on Saturday

    IF (@M = 7 AND @D = 3 AND @DW = 6) SET @Holiday = 'Independence Day'

    -- Labor Day (1st Monday of September)

    IF (@M = 9 AND @D BETWEEN 1 AND 7 AND @DW = 2) SET @Holiday = 'Labor Day'

    -- Columbus Day (2nd Monday of October)

    IF (@M = 10 AND @D BETWEEN 8 AND 14 AND @DW = 2) SET @Holiday = 'Columbus Day'

    -- Veterans Day (October 11th)

    -- Falls on Weekday

    IF (@M = 11 AND @D = 11 AND @DW BETWEEN 2 AND 6) SET @Holiday = 'Veteran''s Day'


    -- Falls on Sunday

    IF (@M = 11 AND @D = 12 AND @DW = 2) SET @Holiday = 'Veteran''s Day'


    -- Falls on Saturday

    IF (@M = 11 AND @D = 10 AND @DW = 6) SET @Holiday = 'Veteran''s Day'

    -- Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday of November)

    IF (@M = 11 AND @D BETWEEN 22 AND 28 AND @DW = 5) SET @Holiday = 'Thanksgiving Day'

    -- Christmas Day (December 25th)

    IF (@M = 12 AND @D = 25 AND @DW BETWEEN 2 AND 6) SET @Holiday = 'Christmas Day'


    -- Falls on Sunday

    IF (@M = 12 AND @D = 26 AND @DW = 2) SET @Holiday = 'Christmas Day'


    -- Falls on Saturday

    IF (@M = 12 AND @D = 24 AND @DW = 6) SET @Holiday = 'Christmas Day'

    RETURN @Holiday



  • Useful post - thanks!

  • dbunch 89261 - Tuesday, May 2, 2017 7:51 AM

    Useful post - thanks!

    You'd probably find an inline function significantly more performant than this UDF: somethink like this:

    SELECT Holiday = CASE
        WHEN [Month] = 1  AND [DayOfMonth] = 1 THEN 'New Year'
        WHEN [Month] = 5  AND [DayOfMonth] >= 25 AND [DayName] = 'Monday' THEN 'Memorial Day'
        WHEN [Month] = 7  AND [DayOfMonth] = 4 THEN 'Independence Day'
        WHEN [Month] = 9  AND [DayOfMonth] <= 7 AND [DayName] = 'Monday' THEN 'Labor Day'
        WHEN [Month] = 11 AND [DayOfMonth] BETWEEN 22 AND 28 AND [DayName] = 'Thursday' THEN 'Thanksgiving Day'
        WHEN [Month] = 12 AND [DayOfMonth] = 25 THEN 'Christmas Day'
    FROM (
            [Month] = MONTH(@MyDate),
            [DayOfMonth] = DAY(@MyDate),
            [DayName]   = DATENAME(weekday,@MyDate)
    ) c

    β€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Chris, while your query might perform a bit better, one thing it doesn't do that JHaddens does is adjust for when the holiday in question falls on a weekday.

    Basically, what his query returns is the day that a Federal Employee will have off, which changes if the holiday in question (Independence Day, New Years / Christmas, Veteran's Day) falls on a weekend.

  • You may need to implement a Localization ID. Depending on the US state, "Martin Luther King Day" may be referred to as "Robert E. Lee's Birthday", and "Columbus Day" is referred to as "Indigenous People's Day", to say the least. There are many other variations on which states officially observe which federal holidays.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • For a case like this, nothing beats a good ol' fashioned calendar table... At least in my humble opinion...
    Fact is, holidays tend not to change very often (if ever) there is absolutely no good reason to calculate them on the fly. Simply mark your holidays on the Calendar table one time, index as necessary, and you're good to go.

  • Here's another alternative.  Btw, I corrected two holiday descriptions, for Jan and Feb.  It's not "President's Day", it's "[George] Washington's Birthday"; I wish the media would stop repeating the wrong name ("fake news"? πŸ™‚ )

    I used a CTE for the dates so that it's easier to feed in multiple dates to fully test the logic, which I have not done, although I did test for Christmas last year.

    DECLARE @InputDate datetime
    SET @InputDate = '20161226'

    ;WITH CTEInputDates AS (
      SELECT @InputDate AS InputDate
    CTEInputValues AS (
       MONTH(InputDate) AS InputMonth,
       DAY(InputDate) AS InputDay,
       CAST(DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, InputDate) % 7 AS tinyint) AS InputDayOfWeek,
       0 AS Monday, 3 AS Thursday, 4 AS Friday, 5 AS Saturday, 6 AS Sunday
      FROM CTEInputDates
      CASE /* Fixed-WeekAndDayOfWeek Holidays*/
       WHEN InputMonth = 1 AND InputDayOfWeek = Monday AND InputDay BETWEEN 15 AND 21
       THEN 'Martin Luther King, Jr. Day'
       WHEN InputMonth = 2 AND InputDayOfWeek = Monday AND InputDay BETWEEN 15 AND 21
       THEN 'Washington''s Birthday'
       WHEN InputMonth = 5 AND InputDayOfWeek = Monday AND InputDay >= 22 AND MONTH(DATEADD(DAY, 7, InputDate)) = 6
       THEN 'Memorial Day'
       WHEN InputMonth = 9 AND InputDayOfWeek = Monday AND InputDay BETWEEN 1 AND 7
       THEN 'Labor Day'
       WHEN InputMonth = 10 AND InputDayOfWeek = Monday AND InputDay BETWEEN 8 AND 14
       THEN 'Columbus Day'
       WHEN InputMonth = 11 AND InputDayOfWeek = Thursday AND InputDay BETWEEN 22 AND 28
       THEN 'Thanksgiving Day'
       /* Fixed-Date Holidays */
       WHEN (InputMonth = 1 AND InputDayOfWeek < Saturday AND InputDay = 1)
        OR (InputMonth = 12 AND InputDayOfWeek = Friday AND InputDay = 31)
        OR (InputMonth = 1 AND InputDayOfWeek = Monday AND InputDay = 2)
       THEN 'New Year''s Day'
       WHEN (InputMonth = 7 AND InputDayOfWeek < Saturday AND InputDay = 4)
        OR (InputMonth = 7 AND InputDayOfWeek = Friday AND InputDay = 3)
        OR (InputMonth = 7 AND InputDayOfWeek = Monday AND InputDay = 5)
       THEN 'Independence Day'
       WHEN (InputMonth = 10 AND InputDayOfWeek < Saturday AND InputDay = 11)
        OR (InputMonth = 10 AND InputDayOfWeek = Friday AND InputDay = 10)
        OR (InputMonth = 10 AND InputDayOfWeek = Monday AND InputDay = 12)
       THEN 'Veterans Day'
       WHEN (InputMonth = 12 AND InputDayOfWeek < Saturday AND InputDay = 25)
        OR (InputMonth = 12 AND InputDayOfWeek = Friday AND InputDay = 24)
        OR (InputMonth = 12 AND InputDayOfWeek = Monday AND InputDay = 26)
       THEN 'Christmas Day'
    FROM CTEInputValues

    Interesting: it seems to have cut my indentations from 4 spaces to 2, I'm not sure why, but I'm not gonna worry about trying to fix just that.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • ScottPletcher - Tuesday, May 2, 2017 1:18 PM

    Here's another alternative.  Btw, I corrected two holiday descriptions, for Jan and Feb.  It's not "President's Day", it's "[George] Washington's Birthday"; I wish the media would stop repeating the wrong name ("fake news"? πŸ™‚ )

    I used a CTE for the dates so that it's easier to feed in multiple dates to fully test the logic, which I have not done, although I did test for Christmas last year.

    DECLARE @InputDate datetime
    SET @InputDate = '20161226'

    ;WITH CTEInputDates AS (
      SELECT @InputDate AS InputDate
    CTEInputValues AS (
       MONTH(InputDate) AS InputMonth,
       DAY(InputDate) AS InputDay,
       CAST(DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, InputDate) % 7 AS tinyint) AS InputDayOfWeek,
       0 AS Monday, 3 AS Thursday, 4 AS Friday, 5 AS Saturday, 6 AS Sunday
      FROM CTEInputDates
      CASE /* Fixed-WeekAndDayOfWeek Holidays*/
       WHEN InputMonth = 1 AND InputDayOfWeek = Monday AND InputDay BETWEEN 15 AND 21
       THEN 'Martin Luther King, Jr. Day'
       WHEN InputMonth = 2 AND InputDayOfWeek = Monday AND InputDay BETWEEN 15 AND 21
       THEN 'Washington''s Birthday'
       WHEN InputMonth = 5 AND InputDayOfWeek = Monday AND InputDay >= 22 AND MONTH(DATEADD(DAY, 7, InputDate)) = 6
       THEN 'Memorial Day'
       WHEN InputMonth = 9 AND InputDayOfWeek = Monday AND InputDay BETWEEN 1 AND 7
       THEN 'Labor Day'
       WHEN InputMonth = 10 AND InputDayOfWeek = Monday AND InputDay BETWEEN 8 AND 14
       THEN 'Columbus Day'
       WHEN InputMonth = 11 AND InputDayOfWeek = Thursday AND InputDay BETWEEN 22 AND 28
       THEN 'Thanksgiving Day'
       /* Fixed-Date Holidays */
       WHEN (InputMonth = 1 AND InputDayOfWeek < Saturday AND InputDay = 1)
        OR (InputMonth = 12 AND InputDayOfWeek = Friday AND InputDay = 31)
        OR (InputMonth = 1 AND InputDayOfWeek = Monday AND InputDay = 2)
       THEN 'New Year''s Day'
       WHEN (InputMonth = 7 AND InputDayOfWeek < Saturday AND InputDay = 4)
        OR (InputMonth = 7 AND InputDayOfWeek = Friday AND InputDay = 3)
        OR (InputMonth = 7 AND InputDayOfWeek = Monday AND InputDay = 5)
       THEN 'Independence Day'
       WHEN (InputMonth = 10 AND InputDayOfWeek < Saturday AND InputDay = 11)
        OR (InputMonth = 10 AND InputDayOfWeek = Friday AND InputDay = 10)
        OR (InputMonth = 10 AND InputDayOfWeek = Monday AND InputDay = 12)
       THEN 'Veterans Day'
       WHEN (InputMonth = 12 AND InputDayOfWeek < Saturday AND InputDay = 25)
        OR (InputMonth = 12 AND InputDayOfWeek = Friday AND InputDay = 24)
        OR (InputMonth = 12 AND InputDayOfWeek = Monday AND InputDay = 26)
       THEN 'Christmas Day'
    FROM CTEInputValues

    Interesting: it seems to have cut my indentations from 4 spaces to 2, I'm not sure why, but I'm not gonna worry about trying to fix just that.

    Bwahaaaa! This is almost identical to the function I cut the above code from! 
    I only posted a piece because the rest is trivially easy to figure out. Fishing rod plus bait...

    [font="Arial"]Low-hanging fruit picker and defender of the moggies[/font]

    For better assistance in answering your questions, please read this[/url].

    Understanding and using APPLY, (I)[/url] and (II)[/url] Paul White[/url]

    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins[/url] / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop[/url] Jeff Moden[/url]

  • Eh... What the heck...

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.tfn_FederalHoliday
    /* =====================================================================================================
    05/02/2017 JL, Created. If the supplied is a federal holiday, the function will return the holiday name.
    ===================================================================================================== */
        @Date DATE
            cte_Holiday AS (
                FROM ( VALUES
                            ('New Year''s Day', 1, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL),
                            ('Martin Luther King Day', 1, NULL, 2, 15, 21),
                            ('Washington''s Birthday', 2, NULL, 2, 15, 21),
                            ('Memorial Day', 5, NULL, 2, 25, 31),
                            ('Independence Day', 7, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL),
                            ('Labor Day', 9, NULL, 2, 1, 7),
                            ('Columbus Day', 10, NULL, 2, 8, 14),
                            ('Veterans Day', 11, 11, NULL, NULL, NULL),
                            ('Thanksgiving Day', 11, NULL, 5, 22, 28),
                            ('Christmas Day', 12, 25, NULL, NULL, NULL)
                        ) h (HolidayName, MM, DD, DW, BOR, EOR)
            cte_DateParts AS (
                    Observed = CASE WHEN dp.DD = dd.DDfix THEN '' ELSE ' (observed)' END
                    ( VALUES (MONTH(@Date), DAY(@Date), DATEPART(dw, @Date)) ) dp (MM, DD, DW)
                    CROSS APPLY ( VALUES (CASE dp.DW
                                                WHEN 2 THEN DAY(DATEADD(dd, -1, @Date))
                                                WHEN 6 THEN DAY(DATEADD(dd, 1, @Date))
                                                ELSE dp.DD
                                        ) dd (DDfix)
            HolidayName = CONCAT(h.HolidayName, CASE WHEN h.DD = dp.DD THEN '' ELSE dp.Observed END)
            cte_Holiday h
            JOIN cte_DateParts dp
                ON h.MM = dp.MM
                AND (
                        h.DD = dp.DD
                        h.DD = dp.DDfix
                            dp.DD BETWEEN h.BOR AND h.EOR
                            AND h.DW = dp.DW

  • I required a table of US holidays so adapted ChrisM's solution (above) as follows to list 40 years of US holidays.....

    DECLARE @start_date date = 'Jan 1, 2010';
    DECLARE @end_date date = dateadd(year,40,@start_date);

    WITH  AllDays
        AS (

         SELECT @start_date AS [Date], month( @start_date) as mnth, Day( @start_date) as dayofM, DateName(weekday, @start_date) as dtname
            UNION ALL
                  DATEADD(DAY, 1, [Date]), month( DATEADD(DAY, 1, [Date])) as mnth, Day( DATEADD(DAY, 1, [Date])) as dayofM, DateName(weekday,DATEADD(DAY, 1, [Date])) as dtname
                 FROM  AllDays
                 WHERE  [Date] < @end_date

      SELECT [Date], mnth, dayofM, dtname
      FROM AllDays
                    (mnth =1 and dayofM = 1)                                              /* new years */
            or     (mnth =5 and dayofM >= 25 and dtname = 'Monday')                      /* memorial day */
            or     (mnth =7 and dayofM = 4)                                              /* Indendence day */
            or     (mnth =9 and dayofM <= 7 and dtname = 'Monday')                      /* Labour day */
            or     (mnth =11 and dayofM between 22 and 28 and dtname = 'Thursday')       /* Thanksgiving */
            or     (mnth =12 and dayofM = 25)                                            /* Xmas */


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