Feedback Appreciated Re my Standards Doc

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    {MY ORG}/CIS SQL Server Standards


    This document contains the standards identified by the Department of Human Resources Center for Information Services ({MY ORG}/CIS) to be adhered to by Database Administrators (DBA) and other development team members, i.e. programmers and managers, as they apply to SQL Server database environments.

    Database Creation

    Databases created in SQL Server 7 and 2000 will follow these standards. If a standard is not addressed here and the DBA does not accept the default values suggested by the SQL Server or adhere to well known general best practices of SQL Server DBAs, it is the responsibility of the DBA to document the aberration in the Database Specifications Document.

    The standard location for SQL Server files is as follows.


    \\{SQL Server Name}\{Share Name}\SQL_DATA\MSSQL\Data


    \\{SQL Server Name}\{Share Name}\SQL_DATA\MSSQL\DBLogs


    \\{SQL Server Name}\{Share Name}\SQL_DATA\MSSQL\BACKUP

    Database Design


    1. Adherence to the first three rules of normalization is expected. (Refer to The First to Third Normal Forms found at

    A. First Normal Form

    For a table to be in First Normal Form (1NF) each row must be identified, all columns in the table must contain atomic values, and each field must be unique.

    B. Second Normal Form

    For a table to be in Second Normal Form (2NF), it must be already in 1NF and it contains no partial key functional dependencies. In other words, a table is said to be in 2NF if it is a 1NF table where all of its columns that are not part of the key are dependent upon the whole key – not just part of it.

    C. Third Normal Form

    A table is considered to be in Third Normal Form (3NF) if it is already in Second Normal Form and all columns that are not part of the primary key are dependent entirely on the primary key. In other words, every column in the table must be dependent upon "the key, the whole key and nothing but the key."


    2. The database owner, ‘dbo’, will be assigned to the ‘sa’ SQL Server Login so that the user name of ‘dbo’ is associated with a non-user specific login id. The DBA will use their own login id, other than ‘sa’, to do their work within the database.


    3. Table owner will be ‘dbo’ by default. Applications and queries must specify ‘dbo’ as the owner of the table when making use of it; i.e. dbo.myTable.

    Note: Any user login id that is a member of the system administration role creates tables with ‘dbo’ as the default owner. Any user login, not a member of system administration role, that is a member of the db_owner or db_ddladmin role creates tables with their user login id as the default owner; i.e. user199c.myTable. The fact that two different user roles behave differently illustrates the importance of specifying the owner of the table in order to avoid confusion and error.

    A. Acceptable deviation from ‘dbo’ as owner of table is when a table is created and dropped by the user login id for temporary use purposes, such as reports.


    4. All application specific edit and formatting logic will be performed when the data is under the control of the application rather than when the data is under the control of SQL Server. (This standard was taken from the DB2 Database and Programming Policy document authored by Max Byrd, version 3/25/1998, and adopted here for use with SQL Server.)

    Naming Conventions

    1. Naming conventions generally adhere to camel notation implementing a combination of Hungarian and Lyzenski Naming Conventions and are presented within this document.


    A. Database names are to be named like or related to the title of the project or business system for which the database provides its service. The Project Manager and the DBA decide upon and approve the database name. The name will adhere to camel notation with no spaces, acronyms are acceptable.

    Examples of valid database names:

    i) FoodStamps

    ii) CHC


    B. FileGroup is to be named in the following format


    i) fg ~ prefix for FileGroup

    ii) FileGroupName ~ to be replaced by a meaningful name in camel notation, no spaces, as determined by the DBA

    Using Filegroups makes it easier for the SQL Server Administrator to implement the backup plan for the database.


    C. Table is to be named in the following format


    i) tbl ~ prefix for Table

    ii) TableName ~ to be replaced by a meaningful name in camel notation, no spaces, as determined by the DBA

    iii) dbo ~ the default qualifier for all tables

    It is expected that queries and applications will specify the owner of the object when referenced; i.e. dbo.myTable. (See Table owner, ‘dbo’)


    Select chrData, dtmStamp from dbo.myTable


    D. LookUp Table is to be named in the following format


    i) tlkp ~ prefix for LookUp Table

    ii) LookUpTableName ~ to be replaced by a meaningful name in camel notation, no spaces, as determined by the DBA


    E. Check Constraint is to be named in the following format


    i) CK_ ~ prefix for Check Constraint

    ii) tblName ~ to be replaced by a meaningful name in camel notation, no spaces, as determined by the DBA


    F. Primary Key is to be named in the following format


    i) PK_ ~ prefix for Primary Key

    ii) tblName ~ to be replaced by a meaningful name in camel notation, no spaces, as determined by the DBA


    G. Foreign Key is to be named in the following format


    i) FK_ ~ prefix for Foreign Key

    ii) tblName1_tblName2 ~ to be replaced by a meaningful name in camel notation, no spaces, as determined by the DBA


    H. Index is to be named in the following format


    i) IX_ ~ prefix for Index

    ii) FieldName ~ to be replaced by a meaningful name in camel notation, no spaces, as determined by the DBA


    I. Column is to be named in the following format


    i) prefix ~ prefix for Column indicating the data type or use

    ii) ColumnName ~ to be replaced by a meaningful name in camel notation, no spaces, as determined by the DBA

    Prefix SQL Server Data Type Description

    bin binary binary data type, length 0 to 8000 bytes.

    chr char character data type, length 0 to 8000 bytes.

    vbin varbinary Variable-length binary data type, length 0 to 8000 bytes.

    vchr varchar Variable-length character data type, length 0 to 8000 bytes.

    bin binary binary data type.

    bit bit bit data type.

    dtm datetime 8-byte datetime data type.

    sdtm smalldatetime 4-byte smalldatetime data type.

    dec decimal decimal data type.

    real real 4-byte real data type.

    fp float 8-byte float data type.

    img image image data type.

    tint tinyint 1-byte tinyint data type.

    sint smallint 2-byte smallint data type.

    lint int 4-byte int data type.

    smon smallmoney 4-byte smallmoney data type.

    mon money 8-byte money data type.

    nchr nchar Unicode character data type.

    ntxt ntext Unicode text data type.

    num numeric numeric data type.

    nvchr nvarchar Unicode variable-length character data type.

    txt text text data type.

    id identity Any autonumbering column of numerical data type

    Data Dictionary

    1. A data dictionary must be maintained and contain the following element information:

    A. Name

    B. Data Type

    C. Length

    D. Precision and Scale (if applicable)

    E. Description – valid values

    F. Default

    G. Key to “Help” System (for element values)

    H. Primary Key(s) and sequence

    I. Cross Reference of Table(s) in which element is stored

    Programming Standards

    1. “ Select *” must not be used. Specifying all the required field names affords better performance.

    2. “Reads” that are performed only to verify the existence of at least one row should either use an exact key or use the “count” option. (This standard was taken from the DB2 Database and Programming Policy document authored by Max Byrd, version 3/25/1998, and adopted here for use with SQL Server.)

    2. It is expected that queries and applications will specify the owner of the object when referenced; i.e. dbo.myTable. (See Table owner, ‘dbo’)


    Select chrData, dtmStamp from dbo.myTable


    At a minimum, a database will be backed up on a weekly basis. The official backup plan is to be documented in the Database Specifications Documentation for its project.



    The ‘sa’ login will have a password and will be managed by the Infrastructure group. As it is not any particular person’s login id and is not associated with any one particular person, it will not be used except in specific circumstances. For example, ownership of all tables within a database will be assigned to the login ‘sa’ so that backup and restore of the database will not encounter a need to resolve ownership issues.


    Logins belonging to and granted membership in the database owner role will be established for use by DBAs that uniquely identify the person associated with the login. The DBA is to use his or her unique login when doing DBA work in the system.


    Users will generally be permitted ‘db_datareader’ and ‘db_datawriter’ permissions only. ‘db_ddladmin’ permission will be granted when users need to be able to drop and create tables. Granular permission settings will be granted when necessary and documented in the Database Specifications Document.

    Database Specifications Documentation

    The Database Specifications Documentation is a part of documents required by projects developed within {MY ORG} CISP.

    It will include and address these elements at a minimum.

    1. Purpose

    Explain the purpose of the database and its use within the project(s).

    2. Entity Relationship Diagram

    3. Data Dictionary

    See Data Dictionary.

    4. Location and Names of Database Files

    Locations and names of the database files and filegroups (mdf & ndf), log files (ldf), and backup files. See Database Creation.

    5. Security

    Describe in detail the security required for the project. See Security.

    6. Backup

    Describe in detail the Backup plan for backing up database files and filegroups.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Any feedback is appreciated... Thanks.

  • Programming Standards

    2. “Reads” that are performed only to verify the existence of at least one row should either use an exact key or use the “count” option. (This standard was taken from the DB2 Database and Programming Policy document authored by Max Byrd, version 3/25/1998, and adopted here for use with SQL Server.)

    -- use exist() instead of count if possible

    2. It is expected that queries and applications will specify the owner of the object when referenced; i.e. dbo.myTable. (See Table owner, ‘dbo’)


    Select chrData, dtmStamp from dbo.myTable

    -- The more you qualify a name the better chance to avoid a recompile of the execution plan


    Select chrData, dtmStamp from database.dbo.myTable

    Other than that it looks pretty good for a starting document.


  • On database creation: Installation of the sql instance should be scripted with setup.iss files for both the base instance and the latest (certified for production in your environment) service pack. The setup.iss file locations should be consistent with your DB creation guidelines. The backup structure could be a little more developed - i.e. under the backup root we have 3 subfolders - DB, TL and TLS. DB for full backups, TL for local log backups and TLS for log backups log shipped from a primary server to a standby.

    Second, you may be as well to isolate the backup root from the rest of the instance file structure. This can be useful for putting backups on a separate logical disk volume so you can use SAN infrastructure (via Veritas Truecopy of similar) to move large (> 10G) backups between geographically separate datacentres when the WAN would be unable to handle the file copy. This is entirely dependant on your sites and infrastructure of course.

    Also for development standards there is no mention of performance testing or volumentrics. A volumetrics document needs to be part of your mandatory DB specs documentation as does a DR Strategy (that's DR as in total site loss, not server loss).

    Also on performance and maintainability froma developers POV. NO CODE-EMBEDDED SQL. All database operations to be via stored procedure calls only. All stored procedures to be run through Query Analyser's Index Wizard at the least. All SQL to be performance tested with loads related to aforementioned volumetrics. Oh yeah, no code-embedded connection strings (both unmaintainable and insecure - you can notepad the login and password out of the .exe's - try it!). Also beware connection cacheing either at application or MTS/.NET level - you need an option to clear all such caches for e.g. when you attempt to fail the system over to a standby database. The number of times the first attempt to fail over a leg fails not because of problems on the data tier but because the developers have not thought how to clear the connection cache (or in some cases how to change the connection string gracefully) is unreal.

    OK, what chance a Production DBA Standards doc?

  • quote:


    3. Table owner will be ‘dbo’ by default. Applications and queries must specify ‘dbo’ as the owner of the table when making use of it; i.e. dbo.myTable.

    We do a bit differently. DBO is the owner of the database. But there may be other "owners for tables" too.

    Eg. All the operation realted information (accounts, sales, procument, stores etc.) will be in one database. Where Accounts may have their schema (Accounts.Tablename), Sales may have another schema, Procument may have another schema, stores may have another schema.

    The common tables will be in dbo schema. (Like security related etc.) Based on the application the particular schema will be used.

    Actually our applications login using these users(Accounts, sales, Procument etc.)

    We allow cross schema table updation too. (When sales occurs, the sales application updates the accounts tables)

    Application users won't know what the schema name, password etc. Application user password system is maintained seperately.

    Prithiviraj Kulasingham

  • k

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