FETCH NEXT problem

  • Hi

    Im having a bit of problems with this script:

    declare @sourcetable table (nr int, tekst varchar(10))

    declare @desttable table (nr int, tekst varchar(10))

    insert into @sourcetable values (1, 'hey')

    insert into @sourcetable values (2, 'hey')

    insert into @sourcetable values (3, 'hey')

    insert into @sourcetable values (4, 'hey')

    insert into @sourcetable values (5, 'hey')

    DECLARE @my_cursor CURSOR SET @my_cursor = CURSOR LOCAL SCROLL FOR select * from @sourcetable

    IF Cursor_Status('variable', '@my_cursor') <= 0


     select 'error'


     FETCH @my_cursor INTO @desttable



    It keeps telling me this:

    Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Line 17

    Must declare the variable '@desttable'.


    Now this is only the start of a bigger script I need to develop, so there is a reason why I want it to insert into a local table variable. Can anyone please tell me what Im doing wrong here

  • You might try another way to do what you're doing besides cursors, but the following works:


    declare @sourcetable table (nr int, tekst varchar(10))

    declare @desttable table (nr int, tekst varchar(10))

    declare @val1 int

    declare @val2 varchar(10)

    insert into @sourcetable values (1, 'hey')

    insert into @sourcetable values (2, 'hey')

    insert into @sourcetable values (3, 'hey')

    insert into @sourcetable values (4, 'hey')

    insert into @sourcetable values (5, 'hey')



    DECLARE @my_cursor CURSOR SET @my_cursor = CURSOR LOCAL SCROLL FOR select * from @sourcetable

    --Open Cursor

    OPEN @my_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM @my_cursor

    INTO @val1,@val2

    -- IF Cursor_Status('variable', '@my_cursor') <= 0

    --Use a While Loop here to get all values



    IF Cursor_Status('variable', '@my_cursor') <= 0


        select 'error'




        FETCH NEXT FROM @my_cursor

        INTO @val1,@val2


        INSERT INTO @desttable(nr,tekst)Select @val1,@val2

    END --close the if construct

    END --close the while loop

    select * from @desttable

    CLOSE @my_cursor

    DEALLOCATE @my_cursor

  • I do know that it is possible to fetch into local variables but i just wondered why it isn't possible to fetch into a local table variable when it is possible to fetch into a normal table.

    I have solved my problem but what is the reason that it isn't possible to fetch into a local table variable?

  • I noticed that too.  According to MS documentation you can use a table variable just like a table exept, however, they may not be used in the following statements:

    INSERT INTO table_variable EXEC stored_procedure

    SELECT select_list INTO table_variable statements.

    Maybe they should think of adding a third exception.


  • You cannot fetch into a table variable because (1) the type of the variables in a fetch statement must be compatible with the type of the columns from the select statement in the declaration of the cursor and (2) you cannot have a column of the table data-type.

    Quotes from BOL:

    "INTO @variablename: Allows data from the columns of a fetch to be placed into local variables.[...] The data type of each variable must either match or be a supported implicit conversion of the data type of the corresponding result set column."

    "The table data type can be used only to define local variables of type table or the return value of a user-defined function."


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