Field in SSRS report should be shown as (Days, Hours)

  • Hi

    I have a requirement where a field in SSRS report should be shown as (Days, Hours)

    Ie. If it is 50hours it should be shown as 2days 2hours.

    Any help is appreciated.

  • In SQL, something like this -


    --Sample data

    CREATE TABLE timing (timing INT)

    INSERT INTO timing

    SELECT *

    FROM (VALUES(50),(24),(20),(1),(16),(360),(14000))a(timing)

    SELECT timing,

    CASE WHEN (timing / 24) = 1

    THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(6),(timing / 24)) + 'day '

    WHEN (timing / 24) > 1

    THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(6),(timing / 24)) + 'days '

    ELSE '' END +

    CASE WHEN (timing - ((timing / 24) * 24)) = 1

    THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),timing - ((timing / 24) * 24)) + 'hour'

    WHEN (timing - ((timing / 24) * 24)) > 1

    THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),timing - ((timing / 24) * 24)) + 'hours'

    ELSE '' END

    FROM timing


    The syntax for SSRS is a little different, but the principle is the same.

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