File & filegroups in point of performance

  • Hi, I have a question about file & filegroups in point of performance:

    I have a log table, lots of new rows inserted constantly, 60000 in total.

    I move 3 months old rows from log table to an archive table. to keep the log table small (~5 - 6 million rows)

    archive table keeps growing, it holds rows for several years. my application decides to use which table: log, archive or log+archive (a view unions log and archive)

    I have 2 separate physical disks,

    on disk-1: (and clustered index), (and clustered index)

    on disk-2: log.indexes, archive.indexes, transaction_logs

    1) Do you think is it a good plan?

    2) If I have 3 disks, should I put transaction_logs to disk-3 separately?

    Note that I have no option to use partitioned tables.

    Thank you,

  • How fat are the tables?

  • log table ~9-12 GB (rows for 3 months)

    archive table: depends on how many records but same size with log table. 3 months = 9-12 gb. mostly my customers holds rows for 3-5 years.

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