financial report ( P&L, Balance Sheets)

  • I am writing some financial report (e.g. P&L, Balance sheets etc).

    Can any body please advise me on how I can bring data from multiple quires into the same data table?

    i.e. Revenue in column and budgets etc on 1 column so I can do calculation.

    I used crystal reports before where I could use link reports and bring values through to the main report for calculation. Is this possible in Reporting services, if yes how can I achieve this.

    The format I require is :

    Current period YTD

    Ledger code/Dim rev bud var% rev bud var%

    My idea is to bring budget related information into the main table using link reports or other datasets.

    But I am not sure how I can relate 1 dataset to another

    Eg. Data set1 brings revenue info for an account

    Dateset2 brings budget info for the same account

    I want use both values in the same table so that I can calculate the variance

    Any help will appreciated

  • U can write stored procedure where you use both of your queries. If you have same format data in both queries then u can combile both query output into one table by UNION. Just give one more column called flag which will differentiate both query output.

    When you use ur single stored procedure into RS then u can differentiate both information by giving flag value. U can do on expression.

  • I've used derived tables to create a report that included actuals and budget data from various periods such as MTD and YTD.

  • To address this issue, use a view and join on the appropriate accounts. You can sum in the dataset queries or through expressions in the cells.

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