Find all objects in Server Owned by a Login

  • Hi RBarry Young

    sorry to bug you again, but i came across another issue when running this on another server

    seems there's a 256 limit somewhere

    Msg 106, Level 15, State 1, Server NSAB-SS83-SQL-N, Line 1218

    Too many table names in the query. The maximum allowable is 256.

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Server NSAB-SS83-SQL-N, Line 1234

    Incorrect syntax near ')'.

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Server NSAB-SS83-SQL-N, Line 1256

    Incorrect syntax near ')'.



  • JC-3113 (12/3/2009)

    Hi RBarry Young

    sorry to bug you again, but i came across another issue when running this on another server

    seems there's a 256 limit somewhere

    Msg 106, Level 15, State 1, Server NSAB-SS83-SQL-N, Line 1218

    Too many table names in the query. The maximum allowable is 256.

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Server NSAB-SS83-SQL-N, Line 1234

    Incorrect syntax near ')'.

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Server NSAB-SS83-SQL-N, Line 1256

    Incorrect syntax near ')'.



    Hmm, the 256-db/table limit is a tougher nut to crack and I am afraid that I will not be able to address it right away...

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • If you go back in the thread to my earlier reply with code, it has the brackets issue and the 256-table issue fixed. Hope that helps!

  • Hi RBarry Young

    are yiou sure

    it is still not working

    i copied the code from above



  • Alter Proc spLogin_OwnedObjects ( @login as SYSNAME ) As


    Display all objects in all DBs owned by the Login.

    2008-07-06 RBarryYoung Created.

    2008-08-28 RBarryYoung Corrected of Windows vs SS default collations.

    2008-12-06 RBarryYoung Fixed for spaces in DB names.

    2009-06-01 TBanks Fixed for large quantities of DBs to avoid the 256-table union limit


    spLogin_OwnedObjects 'sa'


    set nocount on

    create table ##objectowners(

    [DBID] int,

    DBName varchar(255),

    [Login] varchar(255),

    [User] varchar(255),

    name varchar(255),

    [object_id] [int],

    [principal_id] [int],

    [schema_id] [int],

    [parent_object_id] [int],

    [type] [char](2),

    [type_desc] [nvarchar](60),

    [create_date] [datetime],

    [modify_date] [datetime],

    [is_ms_shipped] [bit],

    [is_published] [bit],

    [is_schema_published] [bit])

    declare @sql varchar(MAX),

    @DB_Objects varchar(512)

    Select @DB_Objects = ' COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT as Login, U.Name COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT as [User], O.*

    From [%D%].sys.objects o

    Join [%D%].sys.database_principals u

    ON Coalesce(o.principal_id, (Select S.Principal_ID from [%D%].sys.schemas S Where S.Schema_ID = O.schema_id))

    = U.principal_id

    left join [%D%].sys.server_principals L on L.sid = u.sid


    Select @sql = 'insert ##objectowners SELECT * FROM

    (Select '+Cast(database_id as varchar(9))+' as DBID, ''master'' as DBName, '

    + Replace(@DB_objects, '%D%', [name])

    From master.sys.databases

    Where [name] = 'master'

    select @sql = @sql + case when @login is null then ') oo'

    else ') oo Where Login = ''' + @login + ''''


    EXEC (@sql)

    declare @db varchar(100),

    @db_id int

    DECLARE db_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT name, database_id

    FROM master.sys.databases

    where name <> 'master'

    OPEN db_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @db, @db_id



    SELECT @sql = 'insert ##objectowners Select '+Cast(@db_id as varchar(9))+', '''+@db+''', '

    + Replace(@DB_objects, '%D%', @db)

    select @sql = @sql + case when @login is null then ' '

    else ' Where Login = ''' + @login + ''''


    exec (@sql)

    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @db, @db_id


    CLOSE db_cursor

    DEALLOCATE db_cursor

    select * from ##objectowners

    drop table ##objectowners

    set nocount off

  • Sorry

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Server NSAB-SS83-SQL-N, Line 7

    Invalid column name 'Login'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Server NSAB-SS83-SQL-N, Line 7

    Invalid column name 'Login'.


  • Right you are. It works when you don't specify a login, but to specify a login, you'll need this:

    Alter Proc spLogin_OwnedObjects ( @login as SYSNAME ) As


    Display all objects in all DBs owned by the Login.

    2008-07-06 RBarryYoung Created.

    2008-08-28 RBarryYoung Corrected of Windows vs SS default collations.

    2008-12-06 RBarryYoung Fixed for spaces in DB names.

    2009-06-01 TBanks Fixed for large quantities of DBs to avoid the 256-table union limit


    spLogin_OwnedObjects 'sa'


    set nocount on

    create table ##objectowners(

    [DBID] int,

    DBName varchar(255),

    [Login] varchar(255),

    [User] varchar(255),

    name varchar(255),

    [object_id] [int],

    [principal_id] [int],

    [schema_id] [int],

    [parent_object_id] [int],

    [type] [char](2),

    [type_desc] [nvarchar](60),

    [create_date] [datetime],

    [modify_date] [datetime],

    [is_ms_shipped] [bit],

    [is_published] [bit],

    [is_schema_published] [bit])

    declare @sql varchar(MAX),

    @DB_Objects varchar(512)

    Select @DB_Objects = ' COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT as Login, U.Name COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT as [User], O.*

    From [%D%].sys.objects o

    Join [%D%].sys.database_principals u

    ON Coalesce(o.principal_id, (Select S.Principal_ID from [%D%].sys.schemas S Where S.Schema_ID = O.schema_id))

    = U.principal_id

    left join [%D%].sys.server_principals L on L.sid = u.sid


    Select @sql = 'insert ##objectowners SELECT * FROM

    (Select '+Cast(database_id as varchar(9))+' as DBID, ''master'' as DBName, '

    + Replace(@DB_objects, '%D%', [name])

    From master.sys.databases

    Where [name] = 'master'

    select @sql = @sql + case when @login is null then ') oo'

    else ') oo Where Login = ''' + @login + ''''


    EXEC (@sql)

    declare @db varchar(100),

    @db_id int

    DECLARE db_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT name, database_id

    FROM master.sys.databases

    where name <> 'master'

    OPEN db_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @db, @db_id



    SELECT @sql = 'insert ##objectowners Select '+Cast(@db_id as varchar(9))+', '''+@db+''', '

    + Replace(@DB_objects, '%D%', @db)

    select @sql = @sql + case when @login is null then ' '

    else ' Where = ''' + @login + ''''


    exec (@sql)

    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @db, @db_id


    CLOSE db_cursor

    DEALLOCATE db_cursor

    select * from ##objectowners

    drop table ##objectowners

    set nocount off

  • Well...

    it is geting there

    at least no errors

    but i have names like this: LOSANGELES-2K\cox.jim.adm

    EXEC spLogin_OwnedObjects 'LOSANGELES-2K\cox.jim.adm'

    it returns nothing and i know there are objects there as i was getting them before the 256 limit

    any ideas ?



  • Anybody

    do we have a correct, working version of this script

    ther have been hanges, and i cannot get it to work

    it would be nice if we had a working copy some where please



  • I am a newbie as well! I had over 256 tables too so I tried this last modified version and I am getting the following errors?

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 7

    Invalid column name 'Login'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 7

    Invalid column name 'Login'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 7

    Invalid column name 'Login'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 7

    Invalid column name 'Login'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 7

    Invalid column name 'Login'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 7

    Invalid column name 'Login'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 7

    Invalid column name 'Login'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 7

    Invalid column name 'Login'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 7

    Invalid column name 'Login'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 7

    Invalid column name 'Login'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 7

    Invalid column name 'Login'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 7

    Invalid column name 'Login'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 7

    Invalid column name 'Login'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 7

    Invalid column name 'Login'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 7

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    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 7

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    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 7

    Invalid column name 'Login'.

  • Sorry, I said I was new. Didn't see the additional pages with the latest version. Thanks. I have no errors.

  • Well, turns out I did still have an issue. We have Logins like Corp/Jsmith. If I run the latest procedure and enter Corp/Jsmith I get an error. If I run it with [Corp/Jsmith] it works. Just wanted to pass this on. I thought I read that code was added to fix this?

  • tbanks-1094621 (12/4/2009)

    Right you are. It works when you don't specify a login, but to specify a login, you'll need this:

    Alter Proc spLogin_OwnedObjects ( @login as SYSNAME ) As


    Display all objects in all DBs owned by the Login.

    2008-07-06 RBarryYoung Created.

    2008-08-28 RBarryYoung Corrected of Windows vs SS default collations.

    2008-12-06 RBarryYoung Fixed for spaces in DB names.

    2009-06-01 TBanks Fixed for large quantities of DBs to avoid the 256-table union limit


    spLogin_OwnedObjects 'sa'


    set nocount on

    create table ##objectowners(

    [DBID] int,

    DBName varchar(255),

    [Login] varchar(255),

    [User] varchar(255),

    name varchar(255),

    [object_id] [int],

    [principal_id] [int],

    [schema_id] [int],

    [parent_object_id] [int],

    [type] [char](2),

    [type_desc] [nvarchar](60),

    [create_date] [datetime],

    [modify_date] [datetime],

    [is_ms_shipped] [bit],

    [is_published] [bit],

    [is_schema_published] [bit])

    declare @sql varchar(MAX),

    @DB_Objects varchar(512)

    Select @DB_Objects = ' COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT as Login, U.Name COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT as [User], O.*

    From [%D%].sys.objects o

    Join [%D%].sys.database_principals u

    ON Coalesce(o.principal_id, (Select S.Principal_ID from [%D%].sys.schemas S Where S.Schema_ID = O.schema_id))

    = U.principal_id

    left join [%D%].sys.server_principals L on L.sid = u.sid


    Select @sql = 'insert ##objectowners SELECT * FROM

    (Select '+Cast(database_id as varchar(9))+' as DBID, ''master'' as DBName, '

    + Replace(@DB_objects, '%D%', [name])

    From master.sys.databases

    Where [name] = 'master'

    select @sql = @sql + case when @login is null then ') oo'

    else ') oo Where Login = ''' + @login + ''''


    EXEC (@sql)

    declare @db varchar(100),

    @db_id int

    DECLARE db_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT name, database_id

    FROM master.sys.databases

    where name <> 'master'

    OPEN db_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @db, @db_id



    SELECT @sql = 'insert ##objectowners Select '+Cast(@db_id as varchar(9))+', '''+@db+''', '

    + Replace(@DB_objects, '%D%', @db)

    select @sql = @sql + case when @login is null then ' '

    else ' Where = ''' + @login + ''''


    exec (@sql)

    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @db, @db_id


    CLOSE db_cursor

    DEALLOCATE db_cursor

    select * from ##objectowners

    drop table ##objectowners

    set nocount off

    @RBarryYoung - Nifty bit of code.

    @tbanks-1094621, good effort but you dont need a cursor for this, neither do you need a global temp table.

    Try this (I have changed it from creating a sproc to a standalone script, just change

    "set @login =" to something appropriate) ;

    create table #objectowners(

    [DBID] int,

    DBName varchar(255),

    [Login] varchar(255),

    [User] varchar(255),

    name varchar(255),

    [object_id] [int],

    [principal_id] [int],

    [schema_id] [int],

    [parent_object_id] [int],

    [type] [char](2),

    [type_desc] [nvarchar](60),

    [create_date] [datetime],

    [modify_date] [datetime],

    [is_ms_shipped] [bit],

    [is_published] [bit],

    [is_schema_published] [bit])

    declare @sql varchar(MAX),

    @DB_Objects varchar(512),

    @login sysname

    set @login = 'SomeName'

    Select @DB_Objects = ' COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT as Login, U.Name COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT as [User], O.*

    From [%D%].sys.objects o

    Join [%D%].sys.database_principals u

    ON Coalesce(o.principal_id, (Select S.Principal_ID from [%D%].sys.schemas S Where S.Schema_ID = O.schema_id))

    = U.principal_id

    left join [%D%].sys.server_principals L on L.sid = u.sid


    set @sql = ''

    Select @sql = @sql + 'insert #objectowners SELECT * FROM

    (Select '+Cast(database_id as varchar(9))+' as DBID,''' + [Name] + ''' as DBName, '

    + Replace(@DB_objects, '%D%', [name]) + case when @login is null then ') oo ;'

    else ') oo Where Login like ''%' + @login + '%''' end + ';'

    From master.sys.databases

    EXEC (@sql)

    select * from #objectowners

    drop table #objectowners

    set nocount off

  • Hi RBarryYoung,

    Your script is useful. I tested it and it failed on an offline database. You can update the code so that only online databases are taken in consideration.

    Thanks and regards


    Igor Micev,
    My blog:

  • just add the following bold line.

    WHERE [NAME] != 'master'

    AND state_desc = 'ONLINE'

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 29 (of 29 total)

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