Find appointments within 7 days, excluding weekends.

  • Thanx. Will do.

  • NineIron (6/17/2015)


    What are you going to do about non-weekend holidays? At that point, just using 7 weekdays isn't going to keep it straight. There's really no good alternative to having some form of holiday table, which can then be used to generate a business day table, and if you set up your holiday table as a set of "rules" for each holiday, you can easily compute all your holidays well into the future and probably not have to worry about updating the code unless some new major holiday comes along. A lesser alternative is to have a fixed value holiday table, but that puts you in maintenance mode all the time, having to add the next year's holidays before it's even next year, in many cases.

  • Thanx for reminding me..............We have a person that can maintain the holiday table. That's my plan for the future.

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