Find if date entered into report field lies within date range

  • Hello All,

    I'm a newbie here and with SSRS and need your help. I'm trying to create a report that will have begin (FirstDate) and end date (LastDate) fields, along with a midpoint date input (MidpointEvalDate) field (which needs to fall between these 2 dates). There will also be other fields in the report, not needing to be mentioned at this point. The report has a dataset which includes these 3 fields. In the dataset properties, the following query is specified for both the FirstDate and LastDate fields:



    -- Run on the first of the year

    When convert(varchar,getdate(),112) = cast(DATEPART(YYYY,getdate()) as varchar) + '0101' then

    cast(convert(varchar,DATEADD(yy,-1,getdate()),110) as datetime)

    -- Run at the beginning of a new quarter this will be scheduled for the 2nd of the month

    When DATEPART(M,getdate()) in (1,4,7,10) and DATEPART(D,GETDATE()) = 2 then

    dateadd(mm,datediff(mm,0,getdate())- 3,0)



    end as [FirstDate]

    , Case

    -- Run on the first of the year

    When convert(varchar,getdate(),112) = cast(DATEPART(YYYY,getdate()) as varchar) + '0101' then


    -- Run at the beginning of a new quarter this will be scheduled for the 2nd of the month

    When DATEPART(M,getdate()) in (1,4,7,10) and DATEPART(D,GETDATE()) = 2 then




    end as [LastDate]

    Can anyone please advise on how I can incorporate the MidpointEvalDate into all this? Thanks for your help!

  • It really doesn't look like this query will work when you get to the next year.

    My suggestion (without really knowing what/why you are doing your dates that way) is it would be easier to set your dates to variables, and even easier if you had a calendar table.

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