Find out Access Table Names via DTS

  • I am needing to find out the names of all the tables in an Access database. The context is that user's will be uploading data and we will be importing into a temporary area and then analyzing them. So the table names and column names will not be known. I need to get a list of the table names (and preferrably column names as well) from any Access database.

    Any help will be most appreciated.



  • Dynamically add Access database as linked server and use sp_table_ex.

  • THANKS!!!

    That worked like a charm abd I appreciate the quick response.

    I have a second question though. I am still new to a lot of this stuff, but how do I use the return of the sp_tables_ex? I can return it to my application and I know how to handle it there, but how do I get access to that recordset within the same procedure?

    For example, I need to grab the first two column names from sp_columns_ex in order to do the processing I need to do.



  • create table #T1

    (table_cat sysname null,

    table_schem sysname null,

    table_name sysname,

    table_type sysname,

    remarks sysname null)

    insert into #T1 exec sp_tables_ex 'PROFILES'

  • Thanks once again! That really helped me out and nailed it for me.


  • I am sorry to be bothersome, but I got it to work manually the way you described, but when I put it into a stored procedure it gave me the error "General Network Error. Check Your Documentation". Everything is all on one machine. I shouldn't be accessing the network at all.

    Here is the code I am using:

    --Create a temp table to hold

    create table #Tables


    table_cat sysname null,

    table_schem sysname null,

    table_name sysname,

    table_type sysname,

    remarks sysname null


    set @Table = @SessionID + '_' + @File

    EXEC sp_addlinkedserver

    @server = @SessionID,

    @provider = 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',

    @srvproduct = 'OLE DB Provider for Jet',

    @datasrc = @FileName

    --Create the authoriztion

    Exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @SessionID, 'false', 'sa' , 'Admin', null

    insert into #Tables exec sp_tables_ex @SessionID

    delete from #Tables where table_type <> 'Table'

    select table_name from #Tables

    exec sp_dropserver @SessionID, 'droplogins'

    Any help would be appreciated :>



  • login QA with SQL Server authentication and run your script. If it still doesn't work, run following example.

    --Create a temp table to hold

    create table #Tables


    table_cat sysname null,

    table_schem sysname null,

    table_name sysname,

    table_type sysname,

    remarks sysname null


    declare @SessionID varchar(20)

    declare @File varchar(20)

    declare @FileName sysname

    set @SessionID = 'PROFILES1'

    set @FileName = '\\server1\access\profiles.mdb'

    EXEC sp_addlinkedserver

    @server = @SessionID,

    @provider = 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',

    @srvproduct = 'OLE DB Provider for Jet',

    @datasrc = @FileName

    --Create the authoriztion

    Exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @SessionID, 'false', 'sa' , 'Admin', null

    insert into #Tables exec sp_tables_ex @SessionID

    delete from #Tables where table_type not like 'TABLE'

    select table_name from #Tables

    drop table #Tables

    exec sp_dropserver @SessionID, 'droplogins'

  • Ok,

    I tried the script a couple of different ways using QA and Profiler. When I tried just running the script exactly as you had it, it failed during the insert into #Tables, about half way through it, no surprise there. When I changed @Filename to a valid file on my system using the UNC, I got this error half way through the insert into #Tables

    Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_tables_ex, Line 20

    OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error. Authentication failed.

    [OLE/DB provider returned message: Cannot start your application. The workgroup information file is missing or opened exclusively by another user.]

    When I changed the local login (sa) on the sp_addlinkedsrvlogin to the login that my application uses it worked fine.

    I watched with the profiler as my application tried to run the stored procedure, the profiler list that it starts the insert into #Tables, but then nothing else, it doesn't even get into the sp_tables_ex.

    This is weird.

    Thank you for all of your help,


  • Your Access database is password protected, Is it?

  • No its not. That's why I am confused. It is when I choose a different SQL user it works.


    Edited by - rbinnington on 05/29/2003 09:34:58 AM

  • Allen,

    I have learned more about the problem. I thought the error might be a resource problem, so I moved the sever over to a different machine. I got a slightly different error.

    Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_tables_ex, Line 20

    OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error.

    [OLE/DB provider returned message: The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '\\server\sharename\rvpvx445oals1wze1mdlwp45\file.mdb'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.]

    But if I go in through EM and take a look at the tables it doesn't have any problems. I watched it through the Profiler, and then tried the same thing through QA and it bomed on me with the previous error. Nothing else is looking at the file, or has it opened.

    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated,


  • Which authentication method Did you register your SQL Server in EM? Try login QA with SQL Server Authentication.

  • I found the problem! The files being accessed were on the Web server and the script source access was not set, so it was not letting it look at the file/data.

    But that raises another question. Why did it allow SQL Server to look at it through EM? I used SQL Server authentication for both, using the same account on both.

    The question is mostly rhetorical. I am glad it works!

    THANK YOU very much for your help. You have been a great help.


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