Find out, who's responsible for temdb growth

  • Hi,

    I need to find a way to analyze a tempdb, as i would like to answer the following questions:

    - Allocation per Database

    - Allocation per Session / User

    - Top n Statements which caused allocation in tempdb

    Is there a way to do this?



  • query on database specific DMVs and server/processes DMVs can best fit here.

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  • tobe_ha (9/18/2009)


    I need to find a way to analyze a tempdb, as i would like to answer the following questions:

    - Allocation per Database

    - Allocation per Session / User

    - Top n Statements which caused allocation in tempdb

    Is there a way to do this?



    Quite a big subject, as suggested you can use the system DMV's, or you can use the performance dashboard reports to see a snapshot. if you want to try and target specific allocation using tempdb, you can use profiler to monitor tempdb activity.

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  • ok, thank you so far. I already tried to find proper DMV's but did not succeed. The intention of my post was to get some tsql samples as I think, such questions must have already occured to many dba's. 🙂

  • The below link may help you.

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