Find Price Changes in Item History Table

  • Ok, here's an easy one for some of you. I want to read through a group of items and determine the most recent price increase for an item some time in the past, but I don't know when it occurred. For example, I have a table "FRUIT" containing food items, price & date:

    [font="Courier New"]item price date

    Apple $1.00 Jan 2012

    Apple $1.00 Feb 2012

    Apple $1.50 Mar 2012

    Apple $1.50 Apr 2012

    Apple $1.50 May 2012

    Apple $1.75 Jun 2012

    Apple $1.75 Jul 2012

    Apple $1.75 Aug 2012

    Pear $0.95 Jan 2012

    Pear $1.00 Feb 2012

    Pear $1.00 Mar 2012

    Pear $1.00 Apr 2012

    Pear $1.50 May 2012

    Pear $1.50 Jun 2012

    Pear $1.50 Jul 2012 [/font]

    So, I need to loop through each fruit and determine the amount of the most recent increase. For Apples it's $0.25 in June (ignore the earlier price increase).

    For pears it's $0.50 in May. Once I know the fruit & price I can update a summary table with the calculated increase amount ($0.25 or $0.50 )

    I'm hoping there's a more elegant way than the convoluted scheme I'm coming up with (temp tables and variables to hold temp values ... yuck). I was searching a bit, but couldn't think of what type of problem this is, so didn't get the right keywords.

    I know I'm supposed to post the real DDL and sample data, but I thought this would be simpler for discussion.

    use tempdb

    create table dbo.Fruit(Item varchar(10) not null, price dec(6,2) not null, EntryDate datetime )

    insert into fruit values ('Apple', 1.00, '2012-01-01')

    insert into fruit values ('Apple', 1.00, '2012-02-01')

    insert into fruit values ('Apple', 1.50, '2012-03-01')

    insert into fruit values ('Apple', 1.50, '2012-04-01')

    insert into fruit values ('Apple', 1.50, '2012-05-01')

    insert into fruit values ('Apple', 1.75, '2012-06-01')

    insert into fruit values ('Apple', 1.75, '2012-07-01')

    insert into fruit values ('Apple', 1.75, '2012-08-01')

    insert into fruit values ('Pear', .95, '2012-01-01')

    insert into fruit values ('Pear', 1.00, '2012-02-01')

    insert into fruit values ('Pear', 1.00, '2012-03-01')

    insert into fruit values ('Pear', 1.00, '2012-04-01')

    insert into fruit values ('Pear', 1.50, '2012-05-01')

    insert into fruit values ('Pear', 1.50, '2012-06-01')

    insert into fruit values ('Pear', 1.50, '2012-07-01')

    insert into fruit values ('Pear', 1.50, '2012-08-01')

  • Smells suspiciously like homework to me...

    Here's a solution. It has a minor error in it. See if you can find it...

    create table #fruit(Item varchar(10) not null, price dec(6,2) not null, EntryDate datetime )

    insert into #fruit values ('Apple', 1.00, '2012-01-01')

    insert into #fruit values ('Apple', 1.00, '2012-02-01')

    insert into #fruit values ('Apple', 1.50, '2012-03-01')

    insert into #fruit values ('Apple', 1.50, '2012-04-01')

    insert into #fruit values ('Apple', 1.50, '2012-05-01')

    insert into #fruit values ('Apple', 1.75, '2012-06-01')

    insert into #fruit values ('Apple', 1.75, '2012-07-01')

    insert into #fruit values ('Apple', 1.75, '2012-08-01')

    insert into #fruit values ('Pear', .95, '2012-01-01')

    insert into #fruit values ('Pear', 1.00, '2012-02-01')

    insert into #fruit values ('Pear', 1.00, '2012-03-01')

    insert into #fruit values ('Pear', 1.00, '2012-04-01')

    insert into #fruit values ('Pear', 1.50, '2012-05-01')

    insert into #fruit values ('Pear', 1.50, '2012-06-01')

    insert into #fruit values ('Pear', 1.50, '2012-07-01')

    insert into #fruit values ('Pear', 1.50, '2012-08-01')

    ; with cte as (

    select Item, Price, max(EntryDate) as LastEntryAtPrice, min(EntryDate) as FirstEntryAtPrice

    from #fruit

    group by Item, Price


    , cte2 as (

    select *

    , row_number() over (partition by Item order by LastEntryAtPrice) as RowKey

    from cte


    select cte2.Item

    , OldPrice = cte2.Price

    , NewPrice = offset.Price

    , PriceIncrease = offset.Price - cte2.Price

    , offset.FirstEntryAtPrice as ChangeDate

    from cte2

    join cte2 offset

    on cte2.Item = offset.Item

    and cte2.RowKey = offset.RowKey - 1

    Regards, Iain

  • No, not homework. Actually it's for a friend who works at another company but has even less sql coding skills than me. I just made a dummy table instead of using their confusing live tables.

    I really shouldn't have offered to help due to lack of time, but I did anyway,

    I need to catch up on some of these "new" features. I spend most of my time in administration & networking and my coding skills are suffering.


  • I messed around with it last night & got the same result as what your solution gives with this, but it shows both price increases, not just the most recent. Maybe your "mistake" fixes that ? I don't really understand how CTE works. :blush:

    Could you explain how the logic of your example works ?

    SELECT ph.Item, convert(varchar(10),ph.EntryDate,120) as 'Entry Date', ph.price,

    (SELECT TOP (1) h.price

    FROM dbo.fruit h

    WHERE h.Item = ph.Item AND h.EntryDate < ph.EntryDate

    ORDER by h.EntryDate DESC) AS [PrevPrice],

    ph.price - ISNULL((SELECT TOP (1) h.price

    FROM dbo.fruit h

    WHERE h.Item = ph.Item AND h.EntryDate < ph.EntryDate

    ORDER by h.EntryDate DESC), ph.price )

    AS PriceDiff

    FROM dbo.fruit ph

    where ph.price - ISNULL((SELECT TOP (1) h.price

    FROM dbo.fruit h

    WHERE h.Item = ph.Item AND h.EntryDate < ph.EntryDate

    ORDER by h.EntryDate DESC), ph.price ) > 0

    ORDER BY ph.Item, ph.EntryDate

    Item EntryDate price PrevPrice PriceDiff

    Apple 2012-03-01 1.50 1.00 0.50

    Apple 2012-06-01 1.75 1.50 0.25

    Pear 2012-02-01 1.00 0.95 0.05

    Pear 2012-05-01 1.50 1.00 0.50

  • <hit the post button in error>

  • Think of a cte as another type of table variable or temp table, that instead of lasting for the duration of the session just lasts for one query. They're useful for situations like this, where you want to do some pre-aggregation, as well as lots of other things.


    ;with cte as (

    select Foo

    from FooTable


    Is a bit like:

    select Foo

    into #foo

    from FooTable

    The difference being that the cte lasts for just one query, so this is fine:

    ;with cte as (

    select Foo

    from FooTable


    select * from cte

    But this isn't:

    ;with cte as (

    select Foo

    from FooTable


    select * from cte

    select * from cte -- this will error

    My example groups up each Item and the range of dates for which a price was charged. It then assigns a row number, ordered by date, so internally, the data looks a bit like this (only showing apples for clarity):

    Item Price LastEntryAtPrice FirstEntryAtPrice RowKey

    ---------- --------------------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- --------------------

    Apple 1.00 2012-02-01 00:00:00.000 2012-01-01 00:00:00.000 1

    Apple 1.50 2012-05-01 00:00:00.000 2012-03-01 00:00:00.000 2

    Apple 1.75 2012-08-01 00:00:00.000 2012-06-01 00:00:00.000 3

    By joining on the RowKey, but with an offset of -1, I can put the old and new price on the same row. This makes it simple to do the maths:

    Item Price LastEntryAtPrice FirstEntryAtPrice RowKey Item Price LastEntryAtPrice FirstEntryAtPrice RowKey

    ---------- --------------------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- -------------------- ---------- --------------------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- --------------------

    Apple 1.00 2012-02-01 00:00:00.000 2012-01-01 00:00:00.000 1 Apple 1.50 2012-05-01 00:00:00.000 2012-03-01 00:00:00.000 2

    Apple 1.50 2012-05-01 00:00:00.000 2012-03-01 00:00:00.000 2 Apple 1.75 2012-08-01 00:00:00.000 2012-06-01 00:00:00.000 3

    But - be careful. The simple inner join used eliminates rows, as you can see from the output. Not a problem for this set of data. But could be in the real world.

    Once you have this, it is then a simple matter of picking the most recent price change. I'd probably use row_number() here again.

    Hope that helps.

    Regards, Iain

  • irobertson, I agree with this would usually smell like a HW question, but for homebrew I can assure you it isn't. 🙂 Sometimes being a regular lets you simplify things down to HW levels for our benefit. 😉

    Homebrew, you've got a few issues here. First, you've got no way to easy map nextrow/previousRow. We'll take care of that with ROW_NUMBER() and a cte. All a CTE does is create a one-shot view.

    Also, minor adjustment, I prefer real temp tables.

    IF OBJECT_ID ('tempdb..#Fruit') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Fruit

    create table #Fruit(Item varchar(10) not null, price dec(6,2) not null, EntryDate datetime )

    insert into #Fruit values ('Apple', 1.00, '2012-01-01')

    insert into #Fruit values ('Apple', 1.00, '2012-02-01')

    insert into #Fruit values ('Apple', 1.50, '2012-03-01')

    insert into #Fruit values ('Apple', 1.50, '2012-04-01')

    insert into #Fruit values ('Apple', 1.50, '2012-05-01')

    insert into #Fruit values ('Apple', 1.75, '2012-06-01')

    insert into #Fruit values ('Apple', 1.75, '2012-07-01')

    insert into #Fruit values ('Apple', 1.75, '2012-08-01')

    insert into #Fruit values ('Pear', .95, '2012-01-01')

    insert into #Fruit values ('Pear', 1.00, '2012-02-01')

    insert into #Fruit values ('Pear', 1.00, '2012-03-01')

    insert into #Fruit values ('Pear', 1.00, '2012-04-01')

    insert into #Fruit values ('Pear', 1.50, '2012-05-01')

    insert into #Fruit values ('Pear', 1.50, '2012-06-01')

    insert into #Fruit values ('Pear', 1.50, '2012-07-01')

    insert into #Fruit values ('Pear', 1.50, '2012-08-01')

    Now, for the Row_Number():

    ;WITH cte AS






    #Fruit AS f


    SELECT * FROM cte

    Simple enough, right? Now we have a way to join back from the leading entry. However, that's really just the start of our process. I'm going to use a slightly abnormal approach for this, avoiding a whole islanding scenario and letting Row_Number do the work.

    So with this as our baseline:

    ;WITH cte AS




    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Item, Price ORDER BY EntryDate) AS rn2,



    #Fruit AS f


    SELECT * FROM cte

    We now have a # that covers the range for each fruit, and then a subset that covers each price continuity. Now, we get a little zany.

    The second CTE in this (the big long name) merely goes and finds the largest rn where it's the first entry for that rn2. So, you'll find the first entry of the last 'pattern'.

    Next, it just links back to the original CTE to get the information.

    ;WITH cte AS




    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Item, Price ORDER BY EntryDate) AS rn2,



    #Fruit AS f


    , FirstEntryForLastPrice AS



    MAX( rn) AS MaxRN




    rn2 = 1








    FirstEntryForLastPrice AS fe



    ON fe.Item = cte.Item

    AND fe.MaxRN = cte.RN

    Does that help any?

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

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  • I operate much better at HW level 🙂

    I guess I should have glanced at the visit stats before throwing around my egregious accusations ;-D

  • Goes to show that just because someone has a lot of visits doesn't mean they know anything :hehe:

    Thanks for the explanations ...... getting so close ...

    "... Once you have this, it is then a simple matter of picking the most recent price change...."

    Simple for you 😀

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